[Abstract]:The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy, knowledge innovation is one of the important factors to promote economic development, and knowledge innovation needs to be accomplished by innovative talents. Innovation ability is a kind of comprehensive ability. It is very important for students' individual development and social development to cultivate students' innovative ability in physics teaching in higher vocational education. How to cultivate students' innovative ability is a hot topic that the society and educational circles pay close attention to. By analyzing the necessity and feasibility of cultivating students' innovative ability in physics teaching in higher vocational education, this paper determines the research direction and content of this paper. On the basis of studying the present situation of innovation education at home and abroad and the understanding and understanding of innovation ability of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper puts forward the author's understanding of innovation ability under STS education view and the content of cultivating innovation ability. Applying Marxist dialectical materialism epistemology, constructivist learning theory and humanism learning theory, the STS educational model of cultivating students' innovative ability in physics teaching in higher vocational education is constructed. It includes "experiential learning teaching mode" and "inquiry learning teaching mode" and the concrete principles and teaching methods of cultivating students' innovative ability under STS education mode. And the theoretical results are applied in teaching practice, including classroom teaching, exercise teaching, experimental teaching, the second classroom teaching, extra-curricular reading, and actively cooperate with the first-line teachers and students in the selected school. The creativity tendency and innovation ability of the students were investigated by questionnaire, investigation and observation. And the experimental class students' creativity tendency, innovation ability and physics scores were tested before and after the test. The experimental results show that STS education is effective in cultivating students' creative ability in higher vocational physics teaching. On the one hand, it enhances the students' enthusiasm for innovation, changes their learning attitude and improves their physics achievements. On the other hand, it cultivates the students' sense of social responsibility and mission. Therefore, the author thinks that it is feasible to cultivate students' innovative ability by using STS education in higher vocational physics teaching.
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