发布时间:2018-08-23 11:50
【摘要】:目的:了解高职高专医学影像技术专业影像诊断学临床教学的现状;探讨医学影像技术专业人才培养的问题,并提出应用型人才培养的建议,为今后改进高职高专医学教育及人才培养提供参考。方法:连续收集临汾某职业技术院校医学影像技术专业2010级至2013级四届学生为研究对象,共计430人;选取学生实习人数≥10人的13所临床实习医院中普通放射科、CT科室、MRI科室的一线带教教师为研究对象,共计163人进行问卷调查。采用文献回顾法和流行病学现况调查法了解高职高专医学影像技术专业医学影像诊断学临床教学现状及人才培养的问题。采用SPSS 20.0统计分析软件进行统计分析,以P0.05判断有统计学意义。结果:1.医学影像技术专业四届毕业生共收回有效问卷407份,有效回收率94.65%(407/430)。年龄在21-26周岁之间,平均年龄(23.10±1.27)岁。男221人,女186人,男:女=1.19:1;四届学生性别分布差异无统计学意义(X~2=0.33,P=0.995)。学生毕业后从事很相关专业(在普通放射、CT、MRI科室工作)、基本相关专业(在除外普通放射、CT、MRI科室的其他医学科室工作)的学生370人,占90.91%,其中从事很相关专业的学生占76.66%(312/407)。89.93%(366/407)的学生在本专业上进行了进一步学习。2.带教教师共回收有效问卷159份,有效回收率97.55%(159/163)。男98人,女61人,男:女=1.61:1。年龄在21-55岁之间,平均年龄(34.27±7.27)岁。带教教师以低年资医师为主,工作年限10年的占64.15%(102/159);学历以大学本科为主,占57.23%(91/159);教学秘书3人,占1.89%(3/159);双师型教师6人,占总人数的3.77%。部分医生承担两个或三个影像科室的工作,工作范围广;多数带教教师没有向某一方向深入研究,科研相对滞后,甚至有15.72%(25/159)的医师还兼职技师工作。3.临床实习情况调查结果:(1)40.05%(163/407)学生经常与带教教师沟通交流;39.31%(160/407)学生积极参与病例讨论;48.65%(198/407)的学生对医学影像诊断学掌握的不好,22.60%(92/407)的学生表示没有掌握。35.22%(56/159)带教教师所在科室未制定统一教学计划;40.88%(65/159)带教教师在带教前未参加教学培训,26.42%(42/159)的教师认为科室对实习生无入科培训。实习生入科培训中由科室人员负责的占37.74%(包括18.24%的专人负责,19.50%轮流负责)。10.06%(16/159)教师认为实习生出科不需考核,即使考核45.91%(73/159)的教师凭带教印象进行。四届学生在实习期间书写诊断报告的情况有统计学差异(X~2=25.21,p=0.003),学生不写、一般不写诊断报告的人数比率逐年递增。不写、一般不写的有81人(19.90%),2010级5人(8.47%),2011级17人(14.66%),2012级20人(19.80%),2013级39人(29.77%);写的较少的有83人(20.39%),2010级9人(15.25%),2011级19人(16.38%),2012级21人(20.79%),2013级34人(25.95%)。(2)教师和学生在选择教学模式方面差异有统计学意义(X~2=6.72,p=0.035)。四届学生对教学模式的选择差异无统计学意义(X~2=6.79,p=0.314)。70.44%(112/159)的带教教师和59.71%(243/407)的实习生认为临床现行的教学模式是以传统教学模式与现代教学模式相结合的教学模式;54.72%(87/159)的带教教师和41.52%(169/407)的实习生认为现行教学模式一般。从学生角度比较了带教教师五种教学方法使用情况(多项选择题),差异有统计学意义(X~2=21.12,p=0.049);进一步对学生和教师在五种临床教学方法的使用方面进行比较,差异有统计学意义(X~2=51.85,p0.001)。4.人才培养问题:(1)81.82%(333/407)的学生认为实习对培养学生职业能力和实践能力的作用比较大。在诊断报告不写、一般不写及写的较少的164名学生中,34.76%(57/164)的学生认为与以后从事的技师工作无关,没有必要写诊断报告;43.90%(72/164)的学生在书写报告时,感觉太难,无从下手;更有21.34%(35/164)的学生因为科室未安排书写诊断报告的工作。21.87%(89/407)学生表示不愿意学习;46.19%(188/407)学生认为老师的工作量大。33.33%(53/159)教师认为学生积极性不高,46.54%(74/159)教师认为医师的工作量大。79.12%(322/407)、55.28%(225/407)的学生认为实习基地的带教教师、实习基地条件能满足实践性、应用性人才培养需要。52.20%(83/159)带教教师所在科室未定期进行教学方法讨论。(2)10所三甲医院均承担规培任务的121位一线带教教师中,77.69%(94/121)一线带教教师认为因规培生在一定程度上减少了专科实习生书写诊断报告的时间。带教教师对学生实习内容掌握程度评价方法多样,考量标准不一,依然属于终结性评价。针对医学影像诊断学掌握情况,14.99%(61/407)的学生和30.82%(49/159)的教师认为是通过诊断报告完成情况进行评价。(3)49.06%(78/159)的教师和37.59%(153/407)的学生认为实习对学生自主学习、终身学习能力提高很有帮助。四届学生在实习对其自主学习、终身学习能力提高帮助程度的选择上差异有统计学意义(X~2=102.86,p0.001)。进一步对学生和教师两个角度的看法进行了比较,差异有统计学意义(X~2=17.09,p0.001)。(4)13所医院中只有一所医学院附属医院提供学生宿舍。提供学生书写诊断报告的8台及以上电脑者为0,普放、ct、mri三个科室平均一个科室有1-2台,其中3所二甲医院三个科室属于一个大科室,只有1-2台供学生书写诊断报告的电脑。结论:本研究从四届学生及带教教师两方面调查分析,普遍认为临床实习对学生自主学习、终身学习能力提高有帮助;临床现行的教学模式为传统教学模式与现代教学模式相结合的教学模式;教学方法多样并存;但《医学影像诊断学》实习效果不容乐观;依然普遍存在着实习医院基本设施不足及利用率不高、医院对师资队伍的培养及教学工作的重视度不够的问题。并指出科室教学现状及人才培养、师资培养尤其是双师师资培养、入科培训及出科考核制度落实、带教教师对学生实习内容掌握程度评价方法等方面的问题,为高职高专院校医学影像技术专业医学影像诊断学临床教学的改革提供依据,为进一步推进产教融合、校企合作的应用型人才和技术技能人才培养模式提供参考。
[Abstract]:Objective: To understand the status quo of clinical teaching of imaging diagnostics in medical imaging technology specialty in Higher Vocational colleges, to explore the problems of training medical imaging technology professionals, and to put forward suggestions for training applied talents, so as to provide reference for improving medical education and personnel training in Higher Vocational Colleges in the future. A total of 430 students from 2010 to 2013 were selected as the subjects of study, and 163 frontline teachers from general radiology department, CT department and MRI department were selected as the subjects of study in 13 clinical practice hospitals with more than 10 interns. Statistical analysis software SPSS 20.0 was used to analyze the status quo of clinical teaching and personnel training of medical imaging diagnostics in Vocational and technical colleges. The results showed that: 1. A total of 407 valid questionnaires were retrieved from the graduates of the fourth term of medical imaging technology, with an effective recovery rate of 94.65% (407/430). Age was 2. There was no significant difference in gender distribution among the four students (X~2 = 0.33, P = 0.995). After graduation, the students were engaged in very relevant majors (in general radiology, CT, MRI departments), basic related majors (in other medical departments except general radiology, CT, MRI departments). 370 students, accounting for 90.91%, of whom 76.66% (312/407) were engaged in very relevant majors and 89.93% (366/407) were further studied in this major. 2. 159 valid questionnaires were returned by the instructors, with an effective recovery rate of 97.55% (159/163). 98 males and 61 females, male: female = 1.61:1. the average age was between 21 and 55 years old (34.27). 7.27 years old. Most of the teachers were junior doctors with 10 years'working experience, accounting for 64.15% (102/159); 57.23% (91/159) had undergraduate education; 3 had teaching secretaries, accounting for 1.89% (3/159); 6 had double-qualified teachers, accounting for 3.77% of the total. Some doctors took on two or three imaging departments with a wide range of work; most of the teachers did not. The results of the investigation of clinical practice were as follows: (1) 40.05% (163/407) students often communicated with teachers; 39.31% (160/407) students actively participated in case discussions; 48.65% (198/407) students mastered medical imaging diagnostics. Unfortunately, 22.60% (92/407) of the students said that they had not mastered. 35.22% (56/159) of the teachers did not have a unified teaching plan; 40.88% (65/159) of the teachers did not participate in teaching training before teaching; 26.42% (42/159) of the teachers thought that the departments had no training for the interns. Including 18.24% of the specialists and 19.50% of the students in turn) 10.06% (16/159) of the teachers believe that interns do not need to be assessed, even if the assessment of 45.91% (73/159) of the teachers with teaching impression. The rate of non-writing increased year by year. 81 (19.90%), 5 (8.47%) in 2010, 17 (14.66%) in 2011, 20 (19.80%) in 2012, 39 (29.77%) in 2013, 83 (20.39%) in 2010, 9 (15.25%) in 2010, 19 (16.38%) in 2011, 21 (20.79%) in 2012, and 34 (25.95%) in 2013. The difference was statistically significant (X~2 = 6.72, P = 0.035). There was no significant difference in the choice of teaching mode between the fourth term students (X~2 = 6.79, P = 0.314). 70.44% (112/159) of the teaching teachers and 59.71% (243/407) of the interns thought that the current clinical teaching mode was a combination of traditional teaching mode and modern teaching mode; 54.72% (87/159) of the students. From the student's point of view, the use of the five teaching methods (multiple choice questions) was compared, and the difference was statistically significant (X~2 = 21.12, P = 0.049); furthermore, the use of the five clinical teaching methods between the students and the teachers was compared, and the difference was uniform. (1) 81.82% (333/407) of the 164 students who did not write diagnostic reports, generally did not write and write less, 34.76% (57/164) of the 164 students thought it was not necessary to work as a technician in the future. 43.90% (72/164) of the students felt too difficult to write the report, and 21.34% (35/164) of the students were reluctant to study because the Department had not arranged to write the report. 46.19% (188/407) of the students thought that the workload of the teachers was large. 33.33% (53/159) of the teachers thought that the students were not enthusiastic. 46.54% (74/159) of the teachers believed that the workload of doctors was large. 79.12% (322/407) and 55.28% (225/407) of the students believed that the conditions of practice base could meet the needs of practice and applied talents training. 52.20% (83/159) of the teachers did not discuss the teaching methods regularly in their departments. (2) Ten third-tier hospitals all undertook regular training. 77.69% (94/121) of the 121 front-line teachers in the task thought that the time of writing diagnostic reports for junior college students was reduced to a certain extent by training students according to the rules. 14.99% (61/407) of the students and 30.82% (49/159) of the teachers believed that the assessment was based on the completion of the diagnosis report. (3) 49.06% (78/159) of the teachers and 37.59% (153/407) of the students believed that the practice was very helpful to the students'autonomous learning and lifelong learning ability. There was a significant difference in the choice of the degree of help (X~2=102.86, P 0.001). Further, the differences between students and teachers were statistically significant (X~2=17.09, P 0.001). (4) Only one hospital affiliated to the medical school provided dormitories for students. Those who provided students with eight or more computers to write diagnostic reports were provided with dormitories. There are 1-2 departments in each of the three departments of CT and MRI. Three of them belong to one large department and only 1-2 computers are available for students to write diagnostic reports. The current clinical teaching mode is the combination of traditional teaching mode and modern teaching mode; the teaching method is diverse; but the effect of practice is not optimistic; there is still widespread shortage of basic facilities and low utilization rate in practice hospitals, and the training and teaching of teachers in hospitals. This paper also points out the problems of insufficient emphasis on teaching status and personnel training, teacher training, especially the dual-teacher training, the implementation of entrance training and departure examination system, and the evaluation method of teaching teachers'mastery of students' practice content, which will be helpful to the clinical practice of medical imaging diagnostics in medical imaging technology specialty of Higher Vocational colleges. The reform of teaching provides a basis for further promoting the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation in the training of applied talents and technical skills.
[Abstract]:Objective: To understand the status quo of clinical teaching of imaging diagnostics in medical imaging technology specialty in Higher Vocational colleges, to explore the problems of training medical imaging technology professionals, and to put forward suggestions for training applied talents, so as to provide reference for improving medical education and personnel training in Higher Vocational Colleges in the future. A total of 430 students from 2010 to 2013 were selected as the subjects of study, and 163 frontline teachers from general radiology department, CT department and MRI department were selected as the subjects of study in 13 clinical practice hospitals with more than 10 interns. Statistical analysis software SPSS 20.0 was used to analyze the status quo of clinical teaching and personnel training of medical imaging diagnostics in Vocational and technical colleges. The results showed that: 1. A total of 407 valid questionnaires were retrieved from the graduates of the fourth term of medical imaging technology, with an effective recovery rate of 94.65% (407/430). Age was 2. There was no significant difference in gender distribution among the four students (X~2 = 0.33, P = 0.995). After graduation, the students were engaged in very relevant majors (in general radiology, CT, MRI departments), basic related majors (in other medical departments except general radiology, CT, MRI departments). 370 students, accounting for 90.91%, of whom 76.66% (312/407) were engaged in very relevant majors and 89.93% (366/407) were further studied in this major. 2. 159 valid questionnaires were returned by the instructors, with an effective recovery rate of 97.55% (159/163). 98 males and 61 females, male: female = 1.61:1. the average age was between 21 and 55 years old (34.27). 7.27 years old. Most of the teachers were junior doctors with 10 years'working experience, accounting for 64.15% (102/159); 57.23% (91/159) had undergraduate education; 3 had teaching secretaries, accounting for 1.89% (3/159); 6 had double-qualified teachers, accounting for 3.77% of the total. Some doctors took on two or three imaging departments with a wide range of work; most of the teachers did not. The results of the investigation of clinical practice were as follows: (1) 40.05% (163/407) students often communicated with teachers; 39.31% (160/407) students actively participated in case discussions; 48.65% (198/407) students mastered medical imaging diagnostics. Unfortunately, 22.60% (92/407) of the students said that they had not mastered. 35.22% (56/159) of the teachers did not have a unified teaching plan; 40.88% (65/159) of the teachers did not participate in teaching training before teaching; 26.42% (42/159) of the teachers thought that the departments had no training for the interns. Including 18.24% of the specialists and 19.50% of the students in turn) 10.06% (16/159) of the teachers believe that interns do not need to be assessed, even if the assessment of 45.91% (73/159) of the teachers with teaching impression. The rate of non-writing increased year by year. 81 (19.90%), 5 (8.47%) in 2010, 17 (14.66%) in 2011, 20 (19.80%) in 2012, 39 (29.77%) in 2013, 83 (20.39%) in 2010, 9 (15.25%) in 2010, 19 (16.38%) in 2011, 21 (20.79%) in 2012, and 34 (25.95%) in 2013. The difference was statistically significant (X~2 = 6.72, P = 0.035). There was no significant difference in the choice of teaching mode between the fourth term students (X~2 = 6.79, P = 0.314). 70.44% (112/159) of the teaching teachers and 59.71% (243/407) of the interns thought that the current clinical teaching mode was a combination of traditional teaching mode and modern teaching mode; 54.72% (87/159) of the students. From the student's point of view, the use of the five teaching methods (multiple choice questions) was compared, and the difference was statistically significant (X~2 = 21.12, P = 0.049); furthermore, the use of the five clinical teaching methods between the students and the teachers was compared, and the difference was uniform. (1) 81.82% (333/407) of the 164 students who did not write diagnostic reports, generally did not write and write less, 34.76% (57/164) of the 164 students thought it was not necessary to work as a technician in the future. 43.90% (72/164) of the students felt too difficult to write the report, and 21.34% (35/164) of the students were reluctant to study because the Department had not arranged to write the report. 46.19% (188/407) of the students thought that the workload of the teachers was large. 33.33% (53/159) of the teachers thought that the students were not enthusiastic. 46.54% (74/159) of the teachers believed that the workload of doctors was large. 79.12% (322/407) and 55.28% (225/407) of the students believed that the conditions of practice base could meet the needs of practice and applied talents training. 52.20% (83/159) of the teachers did not discuss the teaching methods regularly in their departments. (2) Ten third-tier hospitals all undertook regular training. 77.69% (94/121) of the 121 front-line teachers in the task thought that the time of writing diagnostic reports for junior college students was reduced to a certain extent by training students according to the rules. 14.99% (61/407) of the students and 30.82% (49/159) of the teachers believed that the assessment was based on the completion of the diagnosis report. (3) 49.06% (78/159) of the teachers and 37.59% (153/407) of the students believed that the practice was very helpful to the students'autonomous learning and lifelong learning ability. There was a significant difference in the choice of the degree of help (X~2=102.86, P 0.001). Further, the differences between students and teachers were statistically significant (X~2=17.09, P 0.001). (4) Only one hospital affiliated to the medical school provided dormitories for students. Those who provided students with eight or more computers to write diagnostic reports were provided with dormitories. There are 1-2 departments in each of the three departments of CT and MRI. Three of them belong to one large department and only 1-2 computers are available for students to write diagnostic reports. The current clinical teaching mode is the combination of traditional teaching mode and modern teaching mode; the teaching method is diverse; but the effect of practice is not optimistic; there is still widespread shortage of basic facilities and low utilization rate in practice hospitals, and the training and teaching of teachers in hospitals. This paper also points out the problems of insufficient emphasis on teaching status and personnel training, teacher training, especially the dual-teacher training, the implementation of entrance training and departure examination system, and the evaluation method of teaching teachers'mastery of students' practice content, which will be helpful to the clinical practice of medical imaging diagnostics in medical imaging technology specialty of Higher Vocational colleges. The reform of teaching provides a basis for further promoting the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation in the training of applied talents and technical skills.
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