[Abstract]:The secondary vocational school is an important place to train the production, technology, service and management for the society. The establishment of a good practical teaching environment plays an important role in improving the students' practical ability and professional accomplishment. The construction of practical training base also directly affects the effect of practical teaching. At present, there is a lack of school management, insufficient attention and an effective base construction mechanism in the construction of practical training base in Shangrao Secondary Vocational School. The low level of enterprise participation can not meet the needs of practical teaching, which seriously affects the teaching quality of Shangrao secondary vocational education. Therefore, in order to develop the secondary vocational education in Shangrao and realize the training goal of high quality skilled personnel, we must attach importance to and strengthen the construction of practical training base in secondary vocational schools. In this paper, the Shangrao Secondary Vocational School to cooperate with enterprises to build a practical training base as the entry point, with the guidance of modern pedagogy theory, combined with the Shangrao vocational school training base construction, Based on the experience of the construction of key secondary vocational schools and foreign excellent training bases, this paper analyzes the background and significance of the establishment of practical training bases by means of literature research, questionnaire survey, interview and other research methods, and analyzes the background and significance of the establishment of training bases by secondary vocational schools and enterprises. This paper expounds the main types, functions, characteristics and construction principles of practical training bases in secondary vocational schools, compares the models of the construction of practical training bases at home and abroad, and investigates and researches into the secondary vocational schools and enterprises in Shangrao county and district. This paper analyzes in detail the present situation, problems and causes of the construction of the training base of Shangrao Secondary Vocational School, from the aspects of safeguard measures, hardware conditions, cooperation mode, management and operation mechanism, and the construction of "double qualified" teachers, etc. This paper puts forward the countermeasures of establishing practical training base in cooperation between secondary vocational schools and enterprises.
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