[Abstract]:As a demonstration vocational education park, Tianjin Haihe Education Park has carried on a series of explorations in the connection of middle and higher vocational education. Based on this, the article combs the relevant policy support of higher vocational linkage in Haihe Education Park, and introduces the corresponding enrollment of higher vocational education in Haihe Education Park. The main models of skill contest, such as walking, think that the Haihe Education Park has some problems in the aspects of professional convergence, talent training goal, curriculum convergence, teachers and so on, while the achievements of Haihe Education Park are obtained, and the middle and higher vocational education areas link up with each other. It is necessary to carry out scientific and standardized professional cohesion, develop professional standards, promote the convergence of personnel training objectives, construct a curriculum convergence system that embodies the requirements of the cultivation of technical and technical talents, and strengthen the construction of the teaching staff.
【作者单位】: 天津电子信息职业技术学院;
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