[Abstract]:As the first-line workers of production, construction, management and service, the students of higher vocational colleges have a sense of social responsibility which not only affects their own future development, but also relates to the harmony and stability of the whole society. With the advancement of the process of enrollment expansion and popularization of higher education, and the influence of many bad factors in the period of social change, the social responsibility of students in higher vocational colleges is weakening or even lacking, and the present situation of social responsibility is worrying. It is clearly pointed out in the 13th Five-Year Plan of the State that education reform should be deepened and emphasis should be placed on strengthening students' sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability to carry out the whole process of national education. Strengthening the cultivation of students' sense of social responsibility in higher vocational colleges is not only an important subject for strengthening the ideological and political education of higher vocational students, but also an important task to promote students to become talented, adapt to the development of the times and meet the objective needs of the society for high-quality talents in the new period. It is a problem that must be paid attention to and solved urgently in higher vocational colleges. By means of questionnaire investigation and interview, this paper investigates the present situation of social responsibility of students in higher vocational colleges in Heilongjiang Province and the influencing factors of social responsibility. On the basis of investigation and research, this paper points out the problems existing in the belief, responsibility, value orientation and professional spirit of the students of higher vocational colleges in Heilongjiang Province. Based on the analysis of the reasons for the development of geo-economy and culture, school education management, family education, students' own characteristics and the influence of network social culture, this paper puts forward some concrete countermeasures to improve the students' social responsibility in higher vocational colleges in Heilongjiang Province.
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