[Abstract]:Job placement practice is the most important way of practical teaching of technical worker education, and the quality of job placement practice restricts the overall development of technical worker education. In a number of inspections found that the level of practice management continues to strengthen, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Therefore, it is of great significance to strengthen the research on the management of job placement practice in technical colleges and continuously improve the quality of job placement practice. This paper aims at improving the quality of job placement practice in technical colleges and universities. Firstly, through the complexity theory, the connotation and complexity characteristics of the practice system in technical colleges and universities are comprehensively analyzed, and the main body of practice participation in the practice system of technical colleges and universities is discussed. The detailed complexity analysis of the practice environment and practice process proves that the internship system in technical colleges is a complex system. And from the angle of complexity, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the appointees practice system in technical colleges. Secondly, this paper uses AHP fuzzy synthesis method to construct the quality evaluation system of job placement practice in technical colleges and universities. In order to facilitate the analysis and calculation of redundancy, YAAHP software is introduced, which provides a clear method for the evaluation of job placement practice system in technical colleges and universities. At the same time, Guangzhou Institute of Light Industry technician as a case study. Thirdly, based on the complexity theory, this paper puts forward four suggestions to optimize the practice system of technical colleges and universities: based on the integrity of the system, strengthen the connection of the participants in the practice system of technical colleges and universities; Based on the openness of the system, improving the environment of the technical colleges and universities, and based on the self-organization of the system, a perfect information management system of the placement practice in the technical colleges and universities is constructed. Based on the dynamic nature of the system, improve the mechanism of crisis prevention.
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