[Abstract]:Based on the concept of people-oriented and life-long learning, the main characteristics of the training mode of the learner-centered vocational education are to return to the educational essence of the "educating people", to carry out the education mode of integration of work and technology, to realize the one-in-one education mode, to face all the learners, to provide the personalized and diversified learning service, To make more people find the space suitable for their own study and development, to realize the transition from the emphasis on the skill training to the students' lifelong learning ability and the improvement of the quality. Through the establishment of the national qualification framework system and other means, the system environment of the learner-centered vocational education personnel training mode should be improved, the learner-centered vocational education teaching mode should be innovated, and the learner-centered vocational education personnel training mode should be fully implemented.
【作者单位】: 辽宁教育研究院;辽宁教育研究院教育发展战略与政策研究中心;
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