本文选题:人才培养 + 课程设置 ; 参考:《太原城市职业技术学院学报》2015年09期
[Abstract]:Preschool education is an integral part of basic education, the initial stage of school education and lifelong education, and an important part of the national education system, which plays a great role in laying the foundation for the growth of children. With the rapid development of preschool education in China, and the province-to-city "outline of medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020", the "Three-Year Action Plan for Pre-school Education 2011-2013" and the promulgation of the second three-year action plan, All provinces, cities and rural areas throughout the country coordinate the development of urban and rural areas, vigorously expand kindergartens, and promote the verification of the establishment of public kindergartens. The supply of pre-school education graduates exceeds demand. However, the development level of preschool education in our country is still relatively weak in the whole basic education system. It is of great significance to construct the training model of preschool education professionals to adapt to the overall situation. It is of great significance for the cultivation of preschool education professionals to adapt to the national innovative technical talents model, to reform the training specifications and curriculum settings of preschool education professionals, and to promote the innovation of classroom teaching content system.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江工业学院;
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