本文选题:幼儿园课程 + 教师角色 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the implementation of the outline, the implementation of the Guide and the deepening of people's understanding of children's subjectivity, it is increasingly recognized that courses of value and practical significance to young children are concerned about the constant changes of children's knowledge of affection and behavior. A toddler-based curriculum. The traditional curriculum with emphasis on presupposition and teacher-based curriculum is gradually replaced, and the generated curriculum develops gradually with the promulgation of the new curriculum standards. Teachers are the ultimate implementers of the curriculum. Whether teachers can change their roles flexibly is the key to the maximum educational value of curriculum in practice. "the wonderful realm of education-with intention but no trace", this thesis takes the qualitative research as the orientation, adopts the method of case study, through carries on the actual investigation to the kindergarten curriculum teacher's role under the actual condition. On the basis of analyzing the problems and causes of teachers' roles in kindergarten curriculum, this paper puts forward effective strategies for teachers to deal with their own roles. This thesis includes four parts: introduction. It includes the questions, the definition of the concept, the literature review and the significance of the research, and expounds the research ideas and research process. The second part: the problem of teacher's role in each stage of kindergarten curriculum. Starting from the practice, according to the kindergarten curriculum preparation stage, the implementation stage, the reflection and evaluation stage, the teacher's role is analyzed, and the teacher's role in each stage of the curriculum should be discussed. The deviation from the observed teachers' role-playing in each stage is analyzed. The third part: discusses the influence factor of teacher's role in kindergarten curriculum. Part IV: conclusions and recommendations. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the existing problems and influencing factors of the teacher's role in the kindergarten curriculum, the basic conclusions and relevant suggestions of this study are formed.
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