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发布时间:2018-06-03 20:43

  本文选题:法国教育法 + 学前教育 ; 参考:《学前教育研究》2010年09期

[Abstract]:French preschool education has always been in the leading position in the world. This is because France has always attached great importance to the development of pre-school education and implemented free pre-school education. It has also made reference to the nature of pre-school education in France in its Constitution, the basic Law on Education and many relevant laws and regulations. The status and the safeguard measures make clear stipulation and so on. The main features of the free preschool education law in France are: first, to make clear the foundation and public welfare of preschool education; second, to establish the principle of government hosting and government investment in preschool education; third, It is clear that the government should guarantee the status of preschool teachers and their basic rights and interests. Fourth, priority should be given to the protection of the rights of preschool education in vulnerable areas and vulnerable groups, and to safeguard the public welfare of pre-school education. Drawing on the experience of law making in pre-school education in France, we need to fully understand and clearly define the unique value, basic nature and important status of pre-school education, and make clear the responsibility of government financial input and the construction of teachers' contingent. To ensure and enhance the status of preschool education; to focus on and give priority to support the disadvantaged areas, vulnerable groups of children pre-school education.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学教育学部;


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