[Abstract]:Sharing behavior is a form of expression in prosocial behavior, it is the necessary preparation for children to adapt to social life, and it is the basis for realizing communication, understanding and mutual aid with others. In the kindergarten corner activities with low structure, high autonomy, openness, education and play, the sharing behavior of children can be better helped to internalize the sharing behavior of children. Therefore, this study will study the sharing behavior of children in kindergarten corner activities. The first class of C kindergarten in Kunming City was selected as the research object to study the sharing behavior of the children in the corner activities. The study was based on natural observation method, case analysis method, interview method and literature method, divided the corner activity into three stages: activity preparation, activity process and activity arrangement, and recorded the frequency of children's sharing behavior in the three stages of district corner activity. Frequency and type, and through collecting typical cases of sharing behavior, summarizing the current situation and characteristics of children's sharing behavior in corner activities, then from the angle of the type and quantity of materials, the theme and content of corner activities, Teachers' timely intervention and guidance, class sharing atmosphere, parental rearing style and sharing concept, and children's personality tendency and gender, and so on, This paper analyzes the factors that influence children's sharing behavior in kindergarten corner activities from subjective factors such as peer relationship and so on. Based on this, the author puts forward educational suggestions to teachers and parents.
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