[Abstract]:Folk art is an important part of culture. Folk art is one of the most common means to carry out socialization training for children in the southwest region where multiculturalism coexists harmoniously. Its educational characteristics have a subtle influence on the moral character of children. It is the spiritual home of cultivating children's traditional virtues, its enlightenment characteristic develops children's intelligence from many angles, it is the vivid carrier of developing children's multiple intelligences, its aesthetic education characteristic improves children's aesthetic ability in all aspects, It is the natural base of aesthetic education for children. Under the background of advocating multicultural education all over the world, folk art and children's socialization are having a successful dialogue.
【作者单位】: 西南大学西南民族教育与心理研究中心 西南大学西南民族教育与心理研究中心
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4 齐U,