[Abstract]:The township central garden is the important foundation to establish and perfect the rural preschool education system, so it is of great significance to improve the quality of the township central garden. The township governments at all levels should, first of all, plan as a whole, attach great importance to the creation of the environment of the township central kindergartens, equip them with perfect facilities and facilities, so as to meet the needs of kindergarten education and teaching to the maximum extent. At the same time, attention should be paid to the educational function of optimizing the environment. Kindergartens should not only make full use of all kinds of function rooms and advanced facilities in their daily life, but also actively create a harmonious cultural atmosphere and gradually create thematic landscapes so that the environment can speak. Full of childlike and local characteristics. The management of township central kindergartens should be refined, including the refinement of management system, the implementation of hierarchical management, the promotion of democratic management, the stabilization of teachers' ranks, and the establishment of echelons of teachers with a reasonable age structure, etc. For the long-term development of kindergarten laid a solid foundation. In view of the current situation that teachers' professional quality is generally weak, the township central garden must also put the strengthening of teachers' professional learning in an important position, by introducing experts, promoting teachers' autonomous learning, and relying on the subject to carry out research-style learning. Strive to improve teachers' ability to care and educate. In addition, the township central garden should strengthen the work of parents, serve the community, give full play to the role of demonstration, radiation and guidance, and promote the development of preschool education in rural areas.
【作者单位】: 福建省晋江市灵源街道灵水中心幼儿园;
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