[Abstract]:Pre-school education is the grand beginning of human life-long education, the initial stage of children's enlightenment education, and an important link in the national education system. The development of pre-school education is of profound significance to achieve a higher level of universal education and to improve the overall quality of the people of our country. The quality of pre-school education construction will directly affect the construction of teachers in preschool education institutions, and then affect the overall level of pre-school education. And the former is one of the key is the curriculum of pre-school education. The development of education depends on the training of teachers. After more than ten years of reform and development, the establishment of five-year pre-school higher vocational colleges is one of the main places to train teachers of preschool education in China. Therefore, the establishment of the curriculum largely determines the direction of pre-school education and the effectiveness of teacher training. In view of the problems existing in its curriculum, it needs to be improved and perfected in the combination of theory and practice. Using the methods of literature, investigation and interview, case analysis and so on, this paper reviews the Party's and government's general policy and educational principles on the development of pre-school education, taking into account the quantity and quality. This paper understands the regularity and outline of the development of five-year pre-school education in higher vocational colleges, and sums up the theoretical basis and research significance of the curriculum design of this major. By scanning the status quo, ideas and methods of domestic and foreign research, this paper understands the characteristics, requirements and significance of curriculum setup of five-year preschool education major in higher vocational colleges, and combines theory and practice with a view to curriculum structure. This paper analyzes the present situation and problems of the five-year pre-school education curriculum in L College in three aspects, sums up the crux of the problems in the curriculum design, and absorbs the essence of domestic and foreign research on related subjects from an open perspective. On the basis of this, this paper puts forward the principles and concrete suggestions of the curriculum design of the five-year pre-school education specialty in L College, in order to provide some reference value for the curriculum design of the related majors in other colleges and universities.
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