[Abstract]:In recent years, domestic economic development has entered the new normal. The economic growth rate is facing great pressure, the local level government is also facing the concrete difficulties such as the debt risk and the construction and development fund gap, so the PPP model (Public-Private Partnership) of public infrastructure and public service industry emerges as the times require in our country. As a financing model that keeps pace with the times in the new period, relevant departments such as the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments have vigorously promoted the construction of the pilot work of the model and continuously supported relevant policies after fully investigating the feasibility of the model. Open the way for the extensive promotion of the PPP model. Under the call of the central government, local governments at all levels try to solve the real problems such as debt crisis and financial difficulties by using the PPP model one after another. It can be said that the development of PPP model in China is in the ascendant. It should also be noted that there are certain financial risks in the practical application of PPP model, which is a new thing in our country, and the current theoretical and practical research in China is still in its initial stage, due to the lack of a clear understanding of some problems. Or in this upsurge, blindly follow the trend, often prone to theoretical misunderstanding, under the wrong ideas and guidance of the project errors and even project failure. In addition, in the implementation of the PPP model, there are a part of "pseudo-PPP" projects, the real debt in clear shares, fixed income, repurchase arrangements and other means of borrowing disguised, in essence increased the financial risk; Even some standardized PPP projects face the constraints of large investment scale, long investment cycle, many risk factors in the whole life cycle, lack of cash flow and so on, which may bring unpredictable risks, which need to be paid much attention to. Therefore, the study of the financial risks in the PPP model is also of great theoretical and practical significance. Firstly, this paper expounds the connotation of PPP model and the connotation of financial risk in PPP model, and generalizes the characteristics of financial risk in PPP model, that is, the concealment, uncertainty and conductivity of risk. Secondly, the paper analyzes the specific responsibilities of finance in each stage of the PPP model, and analyzes in detail the financial responsibilities in the stages of project identification, procurement, execution and transfer. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the financial risks existing in the current PPP model, and further analyzes the causes of these financial risks. Finally, according to the classification of the financial risks mentioned above, the paper puts forward some suggestions to resolve the financial risks of the PPP model.
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