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发布时间:2018-12-07 17:25
[Abstract]:In the process of building a harmonious socialist society in our country, there are many problems, among which the poor level of medical treatment in rural areas and the difficulty for farmers to treat diseases are the most typical problems. In 2002, in order to effectively, To solve the basic medical and health problems of farmers in a wide range, the new rural cooperative medical system has been implemented in our country. The system was first tested in some areas, and then gradually spread to the vast majority of rural areas in China. Its implementation, on the one hand, for the vast number of farmers in China has brought good news, through government subsidies can ensure that farmers have the money to cure the disease; On the other hand, it accelerates the pace of socialist construction in China, which is conducive to the realization of the great goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. The new rural cooperative medical system was introduced in Yangling District, Shaanxi Province in 2005. Through the operation of more than ten years, it has been improved and perfected continuously, now it has formed a set of complete service mode, both from the aspect of fund raising, compensation method, or the problem of the reimbursement of illness have already been quite mature. Its effective implementation has lightened the economic burden on the peasants in Yangling District and accumulated some useful experience for other regions of our country. This paper takes Yangling District of Shaanxi Province as the research area, from the patient's angle of view, taking the micro operation of the new rural cooperative medical system as the research object, analyzes the present situation and problems of the new rural cooperative medical system in Yangling district. Based on the successful models and experiences of other regions in China, this paper puts forward a series of countermeasures, such as the implementation of the new transfer system of rural cooperation, the parallel referral system and the accumulative system of referral costs, etc. It is hoped that these measures will play an active role in the implementation of the policy in Yangling District and even the whole western region.


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