[Abstract]:As the carrier of the soft power of national culture, creative industry can not only meet the double demand of material and spirit, but also change the mode of national economic growth and promote the transformation of national economy. The mutual penetration of creative industries and other industries has become a prominent feature of world economic development, and has gradually become the engine of rapid economic development in various countries. With the rapid development of economic globalization and urbanization in China, the traditional folk sports has encountered unprecedented difficulties after thousands of years. How to effectively promote the innovation and development of folk sports is a major task facing relevant workers in China. Based on the methods of literature, field investigation, logic analysis and creative industry theory, this study studies the value added of Hakka folk sports resources in Western Fujian: it defines the concept of folk sports resource increment in western Fujian; This paper classifies the folk sports resources of the Hakka in the west of Fujian, probes into the characteristics of the folk sports resources of the Hakka in the west of Fujian, and analyses the present situation and existing problems of the creative production of the folk sports resources of the Hakka in the west of Fujian. This paper probes into the creative principles and contents of the added value of Hakka folk sports resources in the west of Fujian, and finally puts forward the creative ways and strategies to promote the increment of folk sports resources of the Hakka people in the west of Fujian, so as to promote the sustainable and innovative development of the folk sports resources of the Hakkas in the west of Fujian.
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