本文选题:O2O + 旅游企业 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of tourism industry in China, the rapid rise of online tourism websites has brought business pressure to traditional travel agencies. The industry competition has led to a decline in profitability, and the trend is decreasing year by year.Online travel website has the advantages of cheap price, wide service area and convenient search, but it also faces the problems of high operating cost, service not keeping up, no personalized customization and so on.The O2O business model of tourism enterprises refers to the online integration of tourism enterprises with the functions of the Internet, the promotion of tourism products, the promotion and guidance of consumers to complete transactions online, the offline realization of tourism consumption experience, and the ultimate achievement of raising the visibility of tourism enterprises.In order to open up the market, this O-2O model has gradually become a new direction for the development of e-commerce in tourism industry.Based on the analysis of traditional travel agencies and online tourism websites, this paper puts forward the research of "O2O innovative business model of tourism enterprises".The article first introduces the management mode of the traditional tourism enterprises in China, taking the management mode of the Chinese travel agency as an example, leads to the crisis and difficulties of the traditional tourism enterprises, as well as the development trend in the future.Then it studies the necessity, feasibility and advantages of online tourism enterprises to implement O2O business model, and analyzes in detail the development status, profit model, challenges and problems of Ctrip net and where to go network;Furthermore, the paper puts forward the innovation mode, framework and implementation flow of O2O in tourism enterprises: strengthening the construction of O2O network platform, turning customers into users, innovating tourism products and services, cooperative marketing of upstream and downstream of industry chain, and establishing database;Finally, the paper analyzes the implementation of O2O business model of tourism enterprises, including marketing promotion, credit security, business alliance, professional personnel.Through the above research, the O2O innovation model of tourism enterprises discussed in this paper will provide a more effective business model for the sustainable development of tourism enterprises in China in the future.
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