本文选题:电子商务 + 交互 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of mobile Internet, electronic commerce has been gradually transferred from the traditional PC to mobile. With the development of mobile e-commerce, the marketing mode and the shopping experience of consumers are more diversified. Many traditional ecommerce companies have launched their own APP apps so consumers can shop easily. In the era of mobile electronic commerce, it is urgent to establish a good trading platform linking merchants and consumers by using APP. In this paper, the basic theory and principle of APP interaction design and interface design are studied from the point of view of user experience. The main research contents are as follows: firstly, a large number of documents about APP design and e-commerce development at home and abroad are consulted, and through the investigation of domestic and foreign e-commerce APP products, the analysis and research are carried out. This paper summarizes the current market favorite e-commerce app and analyzes the current situation and development trend of domestic and foreign e-commerce APP. Then, the author studies the interaction design, UI interface design, user experience design and context dimension, combined with the e-commerce APP, and obtains the relevant principles and methods of the design of ecommerce APP. And it is used in the design practice of "you Ahai Outsourcing" mobile phone APP. In the design, aiming at the characteristics of "Youahai Outsourcing", three local ordinary user models are established, and the target user groups are investigated, and the daily mobile phone network usage of existing consumers is analyzed. This paper discusses the status of online shopping participation and the requirements and suggestions of mobile e-commerce business (APP). The task decomposition and related function description of user needs are presented, and the interactive model of the overall demand of "Youahai Outsourcing" is presented. Functional system and information architecture analysis, then product demand combined with business model and operation mode for multi-angle thinking and analysis, respectively from the self-line and offline combination of 020 mode, The platform B2C model, which allows third party access, and the company's annual event operation are three starting points to summarize and conceive three sets of APPs suitable for merchants and consumers. Finally, the APP prototype and visual design are designed based on the theory of interaction design and interface design, and the visual effect diagram is made. At present, the project has been successfully launched and put into use. The research results of this paper will basically solve the problem of how to efficiently construct a APP to meet the needs of consumers and e-commerce enterprises. At the same time, it also provides a feasible method and train of thought for the development of ecommerce APP, combining with the expansion of the current APP design market. For the relevant industry to provide the corresponding reference.
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