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发布时间:2018-05-25 16:48

  本文选题:顾客价值 + 竞争优势 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2012年博士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网普及和信息时代来临,电子商务作为全新的商品交易模式,目前在我国已经进入大规模的发展应用阶段,并因其安全、便捷、高效的巨大优势,显示出逐渐取代传统购物方式、成为社会商品交易主流模式的趋势。而随着国内网络购物环境日趋成熟,B2C市场由于其在商品质量、服务保障、安全保障等方面比C2C市场更具优势,B2C电子商务网站逐渐成为网民网络购物的首选。消费者网络购物理念正逐渐由重价格购物提升到重服务品质购物,B2C替代C2C成网购主流将是电子商务行业发展的必然趋势。目前,国内开展B2C电子商务的网站虽然逐渐增多,但在B2C市场中尚未出现一家拥有绝对竞争优势的网站,B2C电子商务网站之间的竞争异常激烈。相比于传统购物环境,电子商务网站建立持久竞争优势十分困难。因此,如何尽快盈利并获得持续竞争优势,已经成为电子商务企业关心的重要现实问题。 战略的本质是竞争,而竞争优势归根结底产生于企业能为顾客创造的价值。由于网购市场中,买方占主导地位,顾客资源成为电子商务网站竞相争夺的无形资产。因此,如何满足顾客个性化需求、提升用户体验度;如何提高顾客重复购买率及顾客忠诚度,最大限度地增加顾客价值,成为各电子商务网站的关注焦点,也是B2C电子商务网站尽快盈利并获得持续竞争优势和解决B2C发展过程中诸多问题的最有效途径。对于电子商务企业而言,只有能够创造优越的顾客价值才能实现顾客满意、顾客信任以及顾客忠诚,如此,才能获取持久竞争优势。因此,构建电子商务网站竞争优势势在必行,提供优越顾客价值是电子商务网站获得持续竞争优势的前提。 国内外学者对顾客价值理论、竞争优势理论已有了丰富的研究成果,对顾客价值与企业竞争优势之间的关系研究也取得了一定的成果,但是,对于电子商务领域两者之间的关系研究还鲜有所见。本文正是在这一背景下进行,从消费者视角出发,以顾客价值为切入点研究电子商务网站的竞争优势,探究顾客价值与电子商务网站竞争优势的关系,力图通过对网购用户行为的实证调查找出影响电子商务网站竞争优势的重要因素,论证顾客价值对电子商务网站竞争优势具有重大且积极的影响;探究电子商务网站顾客价值的驱动因素,并对这些因素进行评价,将其向操作层面推进,从而指导电子商务网站建设及评估,为电子商务网站经营管理者制定企业竞争战略方针提供新的思路与参考。 全文由引言和正文的六个部分组成,其主要内容如下: 引言部分:指出了选题背景和意义,分析了国内外研究现状,提出了研究的目的,介绍了研究的对象和研究的内容,梳理了研究的思路,选择了研究的方法,思考了研究的特色。这是论文选题的缘由和本文的出发点。 第一部分:相关理论研究。首先对网络消费者行为理论进行研究,界定了消费者行为及网络消费者行为的内涵,归纳消费者购买行为模式,分析网络环境下消费者行为及心理特征,梳理影响消费者网络购物的主要因素,并对网络消费者购买过程进行分析。在此基础上对电子商务环境下的消费者行为研究的主要代表理论:技术接受模型、交易成本理论以及质量——价值——满意度模型进行概述及评价,并指出本文将融合这三方面理论来揭示电子商务网站竞争优势的形成机理。其次,对竞争优势理论进行研究,探讨竞争优势的来源,指出顾客价值是竞争优势的新来源并分析了顾客价值构建企业竞争优势的意义。在此基础上,提出企业竞争优势的内涵,并分析了企业竞争优势的特征。最后,对顾客价值理论进行研究,尝试提出了一个更为完善的顾客价值定义,并对其内涵进行了阐释,归纳出顾客价值的五个特征。通过对顾客价值及网络环境下顾客价值的构成维度的回顾梳理,本文将网络环境下的顾客价值分为效用价值和情感体验价值两个构面,并对网络环境下顾客价值的内涵进行了阐释。该部分为后续章节的理论分析和实证研究打下了坚实的基础。 第二部分:基于顾客创新的电子商务网站动态竞争优势形成模型。通过对传统基于竞争导向的战略逻辑与基于顾客价值创新的战略逻辑的对比,分析顾客价值对企业创新能力的重要导向作用。并对顾客价值创造过程:顾客价值分析——顾客价值创新——顾客价值传递进行详尽的分析。通过分析顾客价值对电子商务网站竞争优势的作用以及电子商务网站竞争优势对顾客价值的作用,探讨顾客价值与电子商务网站竞争优势的互动关系。在前文分析的基础上,构建了基于顾客价值导向的电子商务网站动态竞争优势形成模型图,用于解释顾客价值形成电子商务网站动态竞争优势的内在机理,该模型对本文起着承前启后的重要作用。 第三部分:顾客价值对电子商务网站竞争优势的影响研究。此部分重点希望论证顾客价值对电子商务网站竞争优势具有重大且积极地影响。采用倒推法,先论证电子商务环境下顾客购买行为的心理感知所涉及的三个因素:顾客满意、顾客信任与顾客忠诚对电子商务网站竞争优势具有重大且积极地影响(第一步),再论证顾客价值对顾客满意、顾客信任与顾客忠诚具有重大且积极地影响(第二步),从而间接地论证顾客价值对电子商务网站竞争优势具有重大且积极地影响。重点在于第二步的论证:首先,对电子商务环境下顾客购买行为的心理感知所涉及的三个因素:顾客满意、顾客信任与顾客忠诚相关理论进行系统阐述与全面地梳理,并结合顾客价值理论,深入分析顾客价值与顾客满意、顾客信任、顾客忠诚之间的关系以及顾客满意、顾客信任、顾客忠诚之间的关系,并将消费者个体特征这一背景变量引入,提出变量之间关系的相应假设,并建立研究模型。通过文献研究开发了测量初始量表及调查问卷,并进行预调研,形成正式问卷;通过网络调查、电子邮件及街头拦截共收集297份有效问卷,然后进行详尽的样本资料分析、描述性统计分析和数据质量的验证性因子分析,最后建立结构方程模型,对其进行路径分析,得出相关假设的验证结果:在行为忠诚的影响因素中,顾客价值的影响最大,其次是顾客满意、再次是态度忠诚。顾客满意与态度忠诚在顾客价值与行为忠诚之间起中介作用;在顾客信任的影响因素中,顾客价值影响最大,既有直接影响也有间接影响;其次是顾客满意。顾客满意在顾客价值与顾客信任之间起中介作用;在态度忠诚的影响因素中,顾客价值的影响最大,其次是顾客信任,再次是顾客满意。顾客信任在顾客满意与态度忠诚、顾客价值与态度忠诚之间起中介作用;消费者个体因素对顾客价值、顾客满意、顾客信任以及行为忠诚均有部分影响。 第四部分:电子商务网站顾客价值驱动因素识别研究。此部分的目的是要使电子商务网站了解顾客在网络消费过程中到底关注哪些因素。首先对顾客价值驱动因素及网络环境下顾客价值驱动因素研究进行回顾梳理。结合已有的对顾客价值驱动因素的研究,从感知利得与感知利失出发,力求全面地识别电子商务网站顾客价值驱动因素,提出一个广泛意义上的电子商务网站顾客价值驱动因素的五个重要性维度:网站设计特性、网站服务特性、产品特性、交易成本(时间、精力成本)、感知风险。通过小范围访谈对所有采集的因素进行相似性与可行性分析,得到电子商务网站顾客价值驱动因素的初始列表。通过大样本调查,对最初的因素集进行重要性分析,筛选消费者认为不重要的因素。最后,以T、J、Z、D四家电子商务网站的消费者作为调查对象,经过验证性因子分析,证实将电子商务网站顾客价值驱动因素划分为网站设计特性、产品特性和网站服务特性三个维度以及各维度下的具体指标划分是合理的,基于此,建立基于顾客价值的电子商务网站竞争优势测评指标体系。 第五部分:基于顾客价值的电子商务网站竞争优势构建研究。此部分的目的在于充分了解已识别出的电子商务网站顾客价值驱动因素对电子商务企业竞争优势培育的战略意义,为电子商务网站提高应对能力和制定竞争战略提供参考。在对已有的基于顾客价值构建竞争优势的方法进行介绍并评价的基础上,提出了顾客价值构建电子商务网站竞争优势的流程,并对该流程进行实证推演:首先对T、J、Z、D四家电子商务网站的顾客感知与顾客期望价值进行问卷调查,利用层次分析法计算顾客感知价值要素的权重,并以取平均值法将顾客价值要素分为重要性高、重要性低两组;通过方差分析,计算顾客价值要素的竞争差异数据,并根据显著性水平将其分为差异性高、差异性低两组;计算消费者对各顾客感知要素上的期望价值,并以取平均值法将顾客价值要素分为顾客期望高、顾客期望低两组;根据重要性、竞争差异及顾客期望数据,建立重要性/竞争差异/顾客期望三维模型,对潜在要素进行分析,并针对四家电子商务网站对余下的四个象限的要素进行了具体分析及解读,对四家电子商务网站的竞争优、劣势分析,并提出各电子商务网站竞争战略备选方案。 第六部分:结论与展望。对全文进行梳理,提炼观点,指出不足之处,并对该课题的研究前景进行展望。
[Abstract]:With the popularity of the Internet and the advent of the information age, e-commerce, as a brand new commodity trading model, has entered a large-scale development and application stage in China, and has shown a trend of gradually replacing traditional shopping and becoming the mainstream mode of commodity trading, and with the domestic network. The shopping environment is becoming more and more mature, the B2C market has more advantages than the C2C market because of its quality of goods, service guarantee, security and so on. B2C e-commerce website has gradually become the first choice for Internet shopping. The concept of consumer online shopping is gradually increasing from heavy price shopping to heavy service quality shopping, and B2C instead of C2C becomes the mainstream of online shopping. There is an inevitable trend in the development of e-commerce industry. At present, although the website of B2C e-commerce is increasing gradually in China, there has not been a website with absolute competitive advantage in the B2C market, and the competition between B2C e-commerce websites is very fierce. Therefore, how to make profits as soon as possible and gain sustained competitive advantage has become an important practical problem for e-commerce enterprises.
The essence of strategy is competition, and the competitive advantage is in the final analysis of the value that the enterprise can create for the customer. As the buyer occupies the dominant position in the online shopping market, the customer resources become the intangible assets competing for the e-commerce website. Therefore, how to meet the customer's individualized demand, improve the user experience degree, and how to improve the customer's repeated purchase Rate and customer loyalty, to maximize customer value, become the focus of all e-commerce websites, and the most effective way for B2C e-commerce website to make profit as soon as possible, to gain continuous competitive advantage and to solve many problems in the process of B2C development. For e-business enterprises, it is only able to create superior customer value. In order to achieve customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty, the competitive advantage of the electronic commerce website is imperative. Therefore, it is imperative to build the competitive advantage of the e-commerce website. It is the prerequisite to provide the superior customer value for the e-commerce website to gain the sustainable competitive advantage.
Scholars at home and abroad have made a lot of research achievements on the theory of customer value and competitive advantage theory, and have made some achievements on the relationship between customer value and competitive advantage of enterprises. However, there are few studies on the relationship between them in the field of e-commerce. This article is under this background and is viewed from the consumer. In order to study the competitive advantage of e-commerce websites and explore the relationship between customer value and the competitive advantage of e-commerce websites, we try to find out the important factors that affect the competitive advantage of e-commerce websites by the empirical investigation of online shopping users, and discuss the competitive advantage of customer value to e-commerce websites. It has a great and positive influence; explores the driving factors of the customer value of e-commerce website, and evaluates these factors to the operational level, thus directing the construction and evaluation of e-commerce websites, and providing new ideas and references for the management of e-commerce websites to formulate the strategy of enterprise competition.
The full text is composed of six parts, the introduction and the main body.
The introduction part: points out the background and significance of the topic, analyzes the status of the research at home and abroad, puts forward the purpose of the research, introduces the object and content of the research, combs the thinking of the research, chooses the method of research, and thinks about the characteristics of the research. This is the reason for the topic and the starting point of this paper.
The first part: Research on the related theory. First, it studies the theory of network consumer behavior, defines the connotation of consumer behavior and network consumer behavior, sums up consumer behavior patterns, analyzes consumer behavior and psychological characteristics under the network environment, combs the main factors affecting consumer online shopping, and the network consumers. The purchase process is analyzed. On this basis, the main representative theories of consumer behavior research under E-business Environment: technology acceptance model, transaction cost theory and quality value - satisfaction model are summarized and evaluated. This paper points out that this paper will integrate the three sides theory to reveal the competitive advantage of e-commerce websites Secondly, the theory of competitive advantage is studied, the source of competitive advantage is discussed, the customer value is the new source of competitive advantage and the significance of customer value is analyzed. On this basis, the connotation of enterprise competitive advantage is put forward, and the characteristics of enterprise competitive advantage are analyzed. Finally, the customer price is given. The value theory is studied and a more perfect definition of customer value is put forward, and its connotation is explained, and the five characteristics of customer value are summed up. By reviewing the customer value and the dimension of the customer value under the network environment, the customer value under the network environment is divided into utility value and emotional experience. The value of customer value in the network environment is explained with two aspects. This part lays a solid foundation for the theoretical analysis and Empirical Study of the following chapters.
The second part: the dynamic competitive advantage formation model of e-commerce website based on customer innovation. By comparing the traditional competitive oriented strategic logic with the strategic logic based on customer value innovation, this paper analyzes the important guiding role of customer value to the enterprise innovation ability. The customer value innovation, customer value transmission is analyzed in detail. By analyzing the effect of customer value on the competitive advantage of e-commerce website and the effect of competitive advantage of e-commerce website on customer value, the interaction relationship between customer value and the competitive advantage of e-commerce website is discussed. On the basis of the analysis of the previous article, the relationship between customer value and the competitive advantage of e-commerce website is discussed. The model map of dynamic competitive advantage based on customer value oriented e-commerce website is formed to explain the inherent mechanism of customer value to form the dynamic competitive advantage of e-commerce website. This model plays an important role in this article.
The third part: the study of the influence of customer value on the competitive advantage of e-commerce website. This part is to demonstrate that the customer value has a significant and positive impact on the competitive advantage of e-commerce website. By using the backward push method, we first demonstrate the three factors involved in the psychological perception of customer purchase behavior in e-commerce environment: customer satisfaction, Customer trust and customer loyalty have a great and positive impact on the competitive advantage of e-business websites (the first step), and then demonstrate that customer value is satisfied with customers, customer trust and customer loyalty have great and positive influence (second steps). Thus, it is important and positive to demonstrate the customer value indirectly to the competitive advantage of e-commerce website. The emphasis is on the second steps: first, the three factors involved in the psychological perception of customer purchase behavior in the e-business environment: customer satisfaction, customer trust and customer loyalty related theory systematically and comprehensively, and in combination with customer value theory, in-depth analysis of customer value and customer satisfaction, customer belief The relationship between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer loyalty, and introducing the background variable of individual characteristics of consumers, put forward the corresponding hypothesis of the relationship between variables, and set up a research model. A total of 297 valid questionnaires were collected through network survey, e-mail and street intercepting, then detailed analysis of sample data, descriptive statistical analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of data quality were analyzed. Finally, a structural equation model was established, and a path analysis was carried out to obtain the validation results of relevant assumptions: in the shadow of behavior loyalty Among the factors, customer value has the greatest impact, followed by customer satisfaction and attitude loyalty. Customer satisfaction and attitude loyalty play an intermediary role between customer value and behavioral loyalty; in the influence factors of customer trust, customer value has the greatest impact, both direct and indirect influence; secondly, customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction. The relationship between customer value and customer trust plays an intermediary role; among the influencing factors of attitude loyalty, customer value has the greatest impact, second is customer trust and customer satisfaction. Customer trust is the intermediary between customer satisfaction and attitude loyalty, customer value and attitude loyalty; consumer individual factors are value to customers and customers. Satisfaction is partly influenced by customer trust and behavioral loyalty.
The fourth part: the research on customer value driving factor identification of e-commerce website. The purpose of this part is to make e-business websites understand the factors that customers pay attention to in the process of network consumption. First, we review the research on customer value driving factors and customer value driving factors under the network environment. The study of customer value driving factors, starting from perceived gain and perceived loss, strives to fully identify the customer value driving factors of e-commerce websites, and puts forward five important dimensions of customer value driving factors in e-commerce websites in a broad sense: website design characteristics, web service characteristics, product characteristics, transaction costs (time of time) The initial list of the customer value driving factors of the e-commerce website. Through large sample survey, the importance of the initial factor set is analyzed, and the factors that consumers think are not important. Finally, T, J, Z, D four The consumer of the home e-commerce website is the object of investigation. Through the confirmatory factor analysis, it is confirmed that the customer value driving factors of the e-commerce website are divided into web design characteristics, the three dimensions of product characteristics and web service characteristics and the specific index division under each dimension are rational. Based on this, the customer value based electronics is established. The evaluation index system of competitive advantage of business website.
The fifth part: the research on the competitive advantage of e-commerce website based on customer value. The purpose of this part is to fully understand the strategic significance of the customer value driving factors of the identified e-commerce website to the competitive advantage cultivation of e-commerce enterprises, and provide reference for the e-commerce website to raise the coping ability and make the competitive strategy. On the basis of introducing and evaluating the existing methods of building competitive advantage based on customer value, this paper puts forward the process of constructing the competitive advantage of e-commerce website by customer value, and carries out an empirical analysis of the process. First, a questionnaire survey on customer perception and customer expectation value of the four e-commerce websites of T, J, Z and D is carried out. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to calculate the weight of customer perceived value elements and to divide the customer value elements into two groups, which are of high importance and low importance by means of the average value method. Through the analysis of variance, the competitive difference data of customer value elements are calculated and divided into two groups with high difference and low difference according to the significant level. The expected value of the factor is perceived by the average value method, and the customer value elements are divided into two groups, the customer expectations are high and the customer is expected to be low. According to the importance, the competition difference and the customer expectation data, the importance / competition difference / customer expectation 3D model is set up, the potential factors are analyzed, and the remaining four of the four e-commerce websites are to the remaining four. The elements of the quadrant are analyzed and interpreted in detail, and the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the four e-commerce websites are analyzed, and the competitive strategies for each e-commerce website are proposed.
The sixth part: conclusion and prospect. Comb out the whole text, refine the viewpoint, point out the inadequacies, and look forward to the research prospect of the subject.


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