[Abstract]:Under the background that multilateral trade negotiations were blocked, the tide of concluding FTA swept the whole world. After China joined the WTO in 2001, it adjusted its foreign trade policy and actively promoted the process of China's foreign FTA. China is late in the process of launching free trade agreements, but the latter has developed rapidly: countries that have signed FTA with China include ASEAN, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Singapore, Australia and so on. The China-South Korea Free Trade Agreement is the first free trade agreement signed by China in Northeast Asia, which breaks the deadlock of China's free trade agreements in Northeast Asia. The agreement was signed on June 1, 2015 and entered into force on December 20 th. Among the free trade agreements signed by China, it has the widest coverage and the highest total volume of trade. Judging from the open level of the agreement, the degree of liberalization of goods trade between China and South Korea is relatively high, which is more than "85 percent of trade volume and 90 percent of tax items". The scope of the agreement covers not only trade in goods, trade in services, investment rules, but also electronic commerce, competition policy, economic cooperation and other "economic and trade issues" in the 21st century. Therefore, the study of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement can promote China's regional strategy, optimize the layout of China's free trade area, and provide valuable experience for China's bilateral or multilateral free trade negotiations in the future. From the point of view of law, this paper studies the framework and basic rules of the Agreement, summarizes the innovation of the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement, and provides guidance for China to sign the Free Trade Agreement in the future on the basis of summarizing the text and the negotiation mechanism. Full text more than 30,000 words, divided into five parts. The first part is a general introduction to the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement, which summarizes the general situation of the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement, and summarizes the reasons for the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between China and the Republic of Korea. This paper reviews the signing process of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement, and finally analyzes the effect of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement as the basis and premise of the study of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement. The second part is the interpretation of the trade rules of the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement. On the basis of the text of the agreement, starting from the three major aspects of trade in goods, trade in services and intellectual property, the framework is first outlined from a macro perspective. Then from the micro-analysis of its specific related principles. The third part is the interpretation of the investment rules and dispute settlement mechanism of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement. Based on the text of the agreement, the author first outlines the framework of investment and dispute settlement from the macro perspective. Then from the micro-analysis of its specific related principles. The fourth part interprets the innovative rules of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement, compares the agreement with other agreements, from the trade in services, Intellectual property rights and economic and trade issues in the 21 st century summed up the agreement's innovation in its rules. The fifth part mainly studies the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement and the model of China Free Trade Agreement. By summarizing the text of the agreement and the negotiation mechanism, it first analyzes the problems in the text of the free trade agreement signed by China. Secondly, this paper summarizes the exemplary role of China-Korea Free Trade Agreement, and finally puts forward some suggestions for China to sign the text of Free Trade Agreement, which will provide enlightenment and reference for foreign countries to sign the Model Free Trade Agreement.
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