[Abstract]:The development of electronic commerce in China is in full swing today, but the fresh e-commerce business has not made a great breakthrough because the products are not easy to be stored, it is not easy to standardize, and the development of cold chain logistics is slow. Until the second half of 2013, with the investment and participation of the capital markets and e-commerce giants in fresh e-commerce, fresh e-commerce did not have the situation. If we can make use of this good opportunity to deeply study the characteristics of fresh food and optimize the supply chain management of fresh e-commerce, we can improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise and promote the development of the industry at the same time. By analyzing the current situation of supply chain management of company A and understanding the requirements of supply chain management in the future business development objectives, this paper finds out the location of supply chain type, procurement management strategy, warehousing, distribution and production management, as well as infrastructure. Quality management and other problems and limitations; Under the guidance of supply chain and logistics management, lean management theory, and drawing on the practical experience of other enterprises, to formulate the supply chain optimization plan of company A, including supplier classification cooperation at the purchasing end. Order and inventory strategy and establish basic database of supply chain logistics management; Logistics network planning, Warehouse line design, and supplier service level management at Warehouse and Distribution end; production and processing increase according to order and continuous flow analysis and suggestions, process to improve production efficiency, staff management and equipment improvement. In order to enhance commercial scale, fresh e-commerce needs to continuously improve logistics capability and supply chain management. It is hoped that the optimization scheme studied in this paper will not only help company A to expand its business. At the same time, it has a direct reference and promotion role for other fresh e-commerce companies and cold-chain logistics industries that are about to invest or are in the process of development, which makes these two highly relevant industries flourish. Give thousands of families convenient and quick delivery of high quality fresh food.
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