[Abstract]:This paper is based on the background of the fierce competition in Fengdu County based on the diversified subjects of rural electronic commerce. This paper studies how Fengdu county supply and marketing cooperatives locate themselves in the fierce market competition environment and how to develop rural electronic commerce with their own advantages of resources. Through combing the relevant documents on the development of rural electronic commerce in supply and marketing cooperatives, the theoretical analysis basis of this paper is based on supply and demand theory, modern commodity circulation theory and Porter's competitive strategy theory. This paper analyzes the practical requirements of supply and marketing cooperatives to develop rural electronic commerce from the perspectives of the challenges brought by the development of rural electronic commerce to the advantages of traditional management of supply and marketing cooperatives, the conditions and policy support for the development of supply and marketing cooperatives in rural areas. Then the research angle of view is located in Fengdu County, and the macro-environment of rural e-commerce development is analyzed from the perspective of economic society and the development history and function of supply and marketing cooperatives in Fengdu County. Based on the structural analysis of the whole rural electronic commerce market in Fengdu County by using Porter's five-force model, the paper draws the conclusion that the market competition environment and the problems existing in the development of Fengdu county supply and marketing agency in developing rural electronic commerce. At the same time, it points out that we should not only pay attention to competition but also strengthen cooperation with other rural e-commerce development. Based on the analysis of the development of rural electronic commerce in Xiushan County and Fuling District of Chongqing, this paper provides the experience and inspiration for the supply and Marketing Cooperative in Fengdu County to develop the rural electronic commerce. Finally, in order to achieve better development of rural electronic commerce, Fengdu county supply and marketing agency proposes to strengthen the cultivation and construction of electronic commerce industry from a global perspective and to strengthen cooperation in competition, taking the initiative as agricultural resources, agricultural electronic commerce, A series of countermeasures and suggestions to promote the e-commerce of industrial products in good time.
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