[Abstract]:Electronic commerce is mainly completed through the network, which is developing in depth and gradually infiltrating into all fields of society. At the same time, the legal problems faced by e-commerce law are also diverse and permeable. The problems encountered in the process of electronic commerce development can not be well solved by electronic commerce law alone. Our country should change from e-commerce law to network commerce law in the aspect of e-commerce legislation. Combined with the situation of electronic commerce legislation in our country, this paper puts forward according to the local conditions, formulates the scientific and reasonable network commerce law, and establishes the legal system which can promote the development of electronic commerce. This paper will first discuss the content and characteristics of e-commerce legislation, then analyze the current situation and reasons of e-commerce legislation in China, and finally promote the transformation of e-commerce legislation to network business law.
【作者单位】: 华北水利水电大学;
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