- Abstract5-8
- 1 Introduction8-15
- 1.1 Background8-9
- 1.2 Problem statement9-11
- 1.3 Purpose11-13
- 1.4 Thesisstructure13-14
- 1.5 Definitions and acronyms14-15
- 2 Theory and method15-20
- 2.1 Research approaches15
- 2.2 Choice of method and research strategy15-16
- 2.3 Literature study16
- 2.4 Quantitative method16-17
- 2.5 Selecting sample17
- 2.6 Response17-18
- 2.7 Collection of data18
- 2.8 Analysis procedure18
- 2.9 Trustworthiness18-20
- 3 Comparative analysis of B2C e-commerce between China and Russia from perspective of goods delivery20-35
- 3.1 The concept of e-commerce20-27
- 3.1.1 E-commerce order fulfillment21-23
- 3.1.2 B2C e-commerce in China23-26
- 3.1.3 B2C e-commerce in Russia26-27
- 3.2 Customer service in B2C E-commerce from perspective of goods delivery27-32
- 3.2.1 E-commerce logistics27-28
- 3.2.2 Related concept in B2C E-commerce in China and Russia28-29
- 3.2.3 Customer service in E-commerce logistics29-32
- Quality of service30-31
- Customer loyalty31-32
- 3.3 Theoretical emphasis32-35
- 4 Empirical findings35-49
- 4.1 Users of e-commerce driven delivery service35-37
- 4.1.1 E-shoppers in Russia36
- 4.1.2 E-shoppers in China36-37
- 4.2 Percentage of respondents who shopping online37-38
- 4.2.1 Percentage of respondents who shopping online in Russia37-38
- 4.2.2 Percentage of respondents who shopping online in China38
- 4.3 E-shopper's preference of delivery operators in the B2C e-commerce value chain38-40
- 4.3.1 E-shopper's preference of delivery operators in the B2C e-commerce in Russia39-40
- 4.3.2 E-shopper's preference of delivery operators in the B2C e-commerce in China40
- 4.4 E-shoppers dissatisfaction40-42
- 4.4.1 Share of e-shoppers dissatisfied with delivery aspects in Russia41
- 4.4.2 Share of e-shoppers dissatisfied with delivery aspects in China41-42
- 4.5 Important features for shopping from same web shop again42-43
- 4.5.1 Important features for shopping from same web shop in Russia42-43
- 4.5.2 Important features for shopping from same web shop in China43
- 4.6 Importance of delivery characteristics43-49
- 4.6.1 Importance of delivery characteristics in Russia44-46
- 4.6.2 Importance of delivery characteristics in China46-49
- 5 Analyses49-54
- 5.1 Why do e-shoppers choose to return to the same e-retailer again (repeat purchase) in China and Russia?49-50
- 5.2 What does e-shoppers dissatisfied with the most (in terms of e-commerce delivery) in both countries?50-51
- 5.3 What are the most important aspects of delivery for e-shoppers in Russia and China?51-54
- 6 Conclusion, reflection and suggestions for future studies54-59
- 6.1 Conclusion54-57
- 6.2 Innovation57
- 6.3 Reflection57
- 6.4 Suggestion for future studies57-59
- References59-62
- Appendices62-68
- Appendix 1: Survey questionnaire for Russian respondents62-64
- Appendix 2: Survey questionnaire for Chinese respondents64-68
- Acknowledgement68
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