本文关键词: 资源性城市 工业旅游 转型 唐山市 出处:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous exploitation of resources, most of the resource-based cities in China have entered the late stage of resource exploitation. The resulting economic recession forced them to face the problem of transformation. This paper analyzes the problems faced by resource-exhausted cities in China on the basis of combing the relevant research literature at home and abroad. On the basis of its transformation, the paper analyzes the role of industrial tourism development in resource-exhausted cities and its possible development model. Industrial tourism can bring many benefits to resource-based cities. Through promoting the development of the tertiary industry to bring economic benefits: to promote the transformation of the image of resource-exhausted city; To promote cities to strengthen the implementation of environmental protection; Therefore, the transformation of resource-exhausted cities can not be separated from the promotion role of industrial tourism development. The main contents of this paper are as follows: first, introduction. A brief introduction to the research background of this paper. Research content, literature review of relevant research and research ideas and methods of this paper. Second, related theoretical overview. Tourism, industrial tourism and resource-based city concepts are combed and defined. Introduced the domestic and foreign tourism industry economics related theories. Third, analyzed the Tangshan resource-based city development present situation and the transformation industrial tourism necessity, analyzed and studied the Tangshan resources city development present situation. This paper discusses the significance of developing industrial heritage tourism to the transformation of resource-exhausted cities. 4th, and discusses the successful transformation cases of typical resource-based cities and resource-based regions at home and abroad. And summarized the enlightenment to the transformation industry tourism of Tangshan city. 5th, elaborated the Tangshan transformation industrial tourism development pattern and the countermeasure, discussed the Tangshan transformation industrial tourism development principle, the goal and the development pattern concretely. Furthermore, the concrete development strategies including government leading, perfecting legal system, integrating resources and optimizing structure are put forward.
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