本文关键词: H地勘单位 人力资源 管理 改革 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:面对国家政策、方针的变化,经济的不断发展,科学技术的突飞猛进,传统地勘单位的人力资源管理模式已经逐渐显得十分滞后,现如今,人力资源作为一种特殊经济的资源起到了举足轻重的作用,地勘单位要把培养、吸引和用好人才作为一项重大任务,实现人力资源的效益最大化,促进地勘事业更好地发展。在此基础上,运用人力资源管理理论对H地勘单位进行了分析和研究。 在研究过程中,本文始终紧扣人力资源管理这一主题,在H地勘单位整体战略的概念下开展人力资源规划的研究,而人力资源规划的各个环节始终为实现H地勘单位更好更快发展服务,确保了H地勘单位战略与人力资源管理规划的高度统一。通过对H地勘单位人力资源管理长期的发展和现状分析,从而得出从中获得的经验和出现的问题,以及问题产生的原因,包括观念、手段、措施等方面,人力资源范围较广,内容也很丰富,通过对H地勘单位具体数据和实际地分析,具体地得出现存的问题,就是观念落后、手段单一、培训体系不完善、激励机制不健全,结合相关理论和具体实际,对问题提出了相应的对策,在H地勘单位能够建立科学的人才培养体系,运用先进的管理观念,加大人才培训力度和绩效体系的完善,从而让H地勘单位在改革中,顺应时代的变化,又好又快地发展。 本文在研究过程中,采取了理论与实证相结合的研究方法。论文分为以下几个部分:首先是绪论,第二部分是人力资源管理理论综述,第三章是H地勘单位人力资源管理发展的演变。第四章是H地勘单位人力资源管理的问题,第五章是H单位面对现有的问题采取的对策,最后是结论。
[Abstract]:In the face of the changes of national policies and policies, the continuous development of the economy and the rapid development of science and technology, the human resource management model of the traditional geological prospecting units has gradually appeared to be lagging behind. Human resources as a special economic resources play a pivotal role, geological prospecting units to cultivate, attract and make good use of talent as a major task to achieve the maximum benefit of human resources. On the basis of this, the author analyzes and studies the H geological prospecting unit by using the theory of human resource management. In the course of the research, this paper always clings to the theme of human resource management and carries out the research of human resource planning under the concept of the overall strategy of H geological prospecting unit. Each link of human resources planning has always served for the better and faster development of H geological prospecting units. By analyzing the long-term development and current situation of human resources management in H geological prospecting units, the experiences and problems arising from them are obtained. And the causes of the problem, including ideas, means, measures and other aspects, human resources are broad, the content is also very rich, through the specific data and actual analysis of the H geological prospecting units, the concrete draw the existing problems. The concept is backward, the means are single, the training system is not perfect, the incentive mechanism is not perfect, combined with the relevant theory and specific practice, put forward the corresponding countermeasures to the problem. In H geological prospecting units can establish a scientific talent training system, use advanced management concepts, increase the strength of talent training and performance system, so that H geological prospecting units in the reform, adapt to the changes of the times. Develop well and quickly. In the course of the research, this paper adopts a combination of theory and empirical research methods. The paper is divided into the following parts: first, the introduction, the second part is the summary of human resources management theory. The third chapter is the evolution of the development of human resources management in H geological prospecting units. Chapter 4th is the problem of human resources management in H geological prospecting units, and chapter 5th is the countermeasures taken by H units in the face of the existing problems. Finally, it is the conclusion.
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