本文关键词: 博弈论 市场监管 进口汽车 销售渠道 价格分析 出处:《安徽农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard after the reform and opening up, the automobile began to enter the people's life. And has become an indispensable part of people's lives. A large proportion of them choose to buy imported cars as their own means of movement. But at present, the price of imported cars in the Chinese market is at home and abroad. There's a big difference. The same model, in the foreign price is very low, export to China after the price of two or three times, some even higher, this market strange phenomenon. More and more consumers are dissatisfied. There are different opinions about the causes of this phenomenon, some think it is the monopoly behavior of automobile manufacturers, others think it is caused by excessive taxation and regulation of the state. Some say it is the high profit of the car 4S specialty store, some say it is caused by the high profits of the car 4S exclusive store. Some say it is caused by the consumers' driving up. At present, there is not a unified understanding and conclusion in academic circles. Game theory is an important subject in social and economic life. In the study of these social phenomena played an important role. This paper combined with previous studies, using the knowledge of game theory, in-depth discussion, through the introduction of the classic model of game theory. Analysis of imported automobile manufacturers and their competitors, national regulatory authorities and auto manufacturers, imported cars 4S stores and general dealers, consumers and 4S stores, consumers and consumers between the choice of strategy. According to all the factors that can affect the selling price of imported automobile, the paper analyzes the factors that affect the selling price of imported automobile one by one. Finally, according to the conclusion of the game, it summarizes the factors that affect the selling price of imported automobile. Some conclusions and suggestions are put forward: the state supervision department should strictly supervise the monopoly behavior of automobile manufacturers and strictly prevent the negative influence of monopoly behavior on the market; We should keep pace with the times, reform the old tax system, and establish a perfect tax system in accordance with the current specific situation; Guide consumer rational consumption, not blind comparison; At the same time, it is suggested that the state should increase its support for domestic vehicles and develop high-end vehicles. This paper studies the production stage, pricing stage and sales stage of imported vehicles and makes use of the method of game theory. The reasonable suggestions are helpful to understand the selling price of imported cars in China.
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