本文关键词: 财务风险 风险识别 风险评价 风险控制 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The determination of market economy, followed by the emergence of risks, requires enterprises to take into account not only the economy and efficiency of enterprises, but also the risks of enterprises when making operational decisions. Finance is the lifeblood of enterprises' survival. Is an important factor in the survival of the enterprise, once the risk will lead to the collapse of the enterprise. It depends on whether it can keep away from financial risk as far as possible. Therefore, as a manager of an enterprise, we should pay close attention to the latest financial information and acutely discover the harbinger of the possible occurrence of risk. The theoretical basis of this paper is the related theory of financial risk management, after clarifying the related theory of enterprise financial risk analysis and control, On the basis of this theory, taking the Rhine organism as the main research goal, this paper first introduces the financial situation of the company on the macro level. Then, from the perspective of internal and external environment, we analyze in depth the places that may lead to the financial risks of Rhine organisms. Among them, the external environment includes the policy environment, the market environment, the resource environment, and so on. The internal environment refers to the various links running through the business activities. Then the efficiency coefficient method is used to establish an evaluation system to evaluate the financial risk of Rhinelian from all aspects of enterprise management ability. It is found that there is a huge financial risk in the Rhine organism. Finally, the corresponding control measures are put forward for the primary financial risk of the Rhine organism. The financial risk assessment system and the means of risk control proposed in this paper are used to extract the plant. The industry has certain applicability. Can help enterprises to improve their own ability and level of risk-fighting.
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