本文关键词: 物联网 物流业 物流配送优化 物流系统构建 出处:《山东建筑大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着社会的进步以及技术的发展,越来越多的信息技术已经应用于人们的日常生活中,而物联网作为一个新兴的产业,不论是温家宝提出的“感知中国”,还是奥巴马提出的“智慧地球”,到现在已经广泛应用于人们日常生产生活的方方面面,其中物流业就是物联网技术应用的一个主要方向。 近几年,由于政府支持以及市场需求的增加,我国物流业发展迅速,已经逐渐成为我国国民经济服务业中的支撑产业。但是在发展的过程中,我国物流配送也出现了很多问题,大量的中小物流公司还依赖人工的方式来进行物流管理,信息化程度不高,供应链间协同不够,终端服务质量不佳这些都造成了物流公司运作成本的提高,同时影响了物流配送的合理发展。另外和发达国家相比,我国物流配送的技术水平也远远无法满足目前市场对于物流配送效率、安全、智能化、信息化的需求。随着物联网概念的提出,物联网技术在物流配送中的应用将促进物流配送的进一步发展。 本文通过对目前国内外物流配送现状的对比研究,发现了目前我国物流配送中存在的不足,提出了应用物联网技术来解决这些问题,对物流配送各个环节对于物联网技术的需求进行分析,用物联网技术集成的手段对物流配送过程进行优化,在此基础上构建了物流配送系统,进行了系统的架构和功能设计,并且建立了物流配送优化模型,为系统的决策提供科学有效的理论支持。 通过本文的研究,可以促进物联网技术在物流配送中的应用,提高物流配送机械化、智能化、信息化水平,为我国物流业的发展提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the progress of society and the development of technology, more and more information technology has been used in people's daily life, and the Internet of things as a new industry, Whether it is "perceiving China" proposed by Wen Jiabao or "intelligent earth" proposed by Obama, it has been widely used in every aspect of people's daily production and life, in which the logistics industry is one of the main directions of the application of Internet of things technology. In recent years, due to the increase of government support and market demand, the logistics industry in China has developed rapidly and has gradually become a supporting industry in the service industry of our national economy. However, in the process of development, There are also many problems in logistics distribution in our country. A large number of small and medium-sized logistics companies still rely on manual methods for logistics management. The level of informatization is not high, and the coordination between supply chains is not enough. The poor quality of terminal services has resulted in higher operating costs for logistics companies and affected the rational development of logistics distribution. In addition, compared with developed countries, The technical level of logistics distribution in our country is also far from meeting the demand of the current market for the efficiency, safety, intelligence and information of logistics distribution. With the introduction of the concept of the Internet of things, The application of Internet of things technology in logistics distribution will promote the further development of logistics distribution. Based on the comparative study of the present situation of logistics distribution at home and abroad, this paper finds out the shortcomings of logistics distribution in our country, and puts forward the application of Internet of things technology to solve these problems. On the basis of analyzing the demand of each link of logistics distribution for Internet of things technology, optimizing the logistics distribution process by means of integration of Internet of things technology, the logistics distribution system is constructed, and the system structure and function design are carried out. The optimization model of logistics distribution is established to provide scientific and effective theoretical support for system decision. The research in this paper can promote the application of Internet of things technology in logistics distribution, improve the level of mechanization, intelligence and information of logistics distribution, and provide a reference for the development of logistics industry in China.
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