发布时间:2018-04-03 08:47
本文选题:跨国并购 切入点:并购交易 出处:《西南财经大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:受2008年金融危机等因素的影响,世界范围内的跨国投资进入了低潮期,而中国的对外投资却成为跨国投资的一大亮点。中国对外投资领域原来主要集中在资源等领域,而现在开始向服务业、食品业等领域拓展。2013年至今,在中国食品饮料行业,企业海外并购案例达到32宗,并购金额达到102亿元人民币。而2005至2010年这五年中,我国食品饮料行业企业海外并购案例总数仅为49宗,并购金额约为百亿元人民币。不过,我国食品企业海外收购并非一帆风顺,其海外并购尚处于初级阶段。面对复杂多变的世界经济形势,我国企业需要做好充足的准备。本文主要研究我国食品类企业海外并购。主要从我国食品类企业海外并购的动因、企业并购整合以及并购绩效等方面进行分析。研究并总结我国食品类企业海外并购的特点,以及影响其并购成败的因素。希望通过本文的研究结论能有助于我国食品类企业跨国并购事业。 论文包括五个章节的内容:第一章为导论,本章主要阐述本文的研究背景、研究意义、研究思路、研究内容和研究方法等。第二章为理论基础与文献综述,主要阐述并购的动因、并购后的整合以及并购绩效,并对并购成败的影响因素进行了分析,总结出食品类企业海外并购的特点。第三章为案例介绍,对相关企业并购过程以及整合现状进行了阐述。第四章为案例分析,主要是针对并购案例对并购动因、并购后的整合及并购绩效进行了分析,总结影响并购成败的因素。第五章是针对第四章案例分析结果并结合其他的中国食品类企业跨国并购典型案例进行总结性的分析。第六章为全文总结,并提出相关建议。本文的特点在于选择的行业相对独特,本文的贡献在于:(1)较系统地分析了食品行业企业海外并购的特点与风险,提出了应对风险的相关建议;(2)对我国食品行业企业海外并购成败的相关影响因素进行分析,并提出了相应建议。 从本文的分析可以看出,我国食品类企业海外并购主要是为了打造完备的产业链模,降低生产成本,并获取海外资源。但是要看到,我国食品类企业跨国并购存在众多问题,如并购绩效较差、缺乏战略规划、并购风险估计不足等。针对上述存在的问题,本文提出了具有针对性的解决方法。希望本文研究成果能够为食品行业跨国并购提供参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Affected by the 2008 financial crisis and other factors, cross-border investment in the world has entered a low period, while foreign investment China has become a major highlight of transnational investment. China foreign investment was mainly concentrated in the field of resources and other fields, and now to the service industry, food industry and other areas of development in.2013 years, China the food and beverage industry, enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions reached 32 cases, mergers and acquisitions amounted to 10 billion 200 million yuan. The 2005 to 2010 five years, China's food and beverage industry enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions total was only 49, the amount of mergers and acquisitions is about ten billion yuan. However, China's food industry overseas acquisitions is not Everything is going smoothly. overseas. M & A is still in the primary stage. Facing the complex economic situation in the world, Chinese enterprises need to make adequate preparations. This paper mainly studies the overseas mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises mainly from the food. Causes of China's overseas M & a food enterprise, the enterprise merger and acquisition performance are analyzed. The research and summary of the characteristics of overseas mergers and acquisitions of Chinese food enterprises, and the factors influencing the success of the merger. Hope that through the conclusion of this study can contribute to China's food industry enterprises transnational mergers and acquisitions business.
This paper consists of five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, this chapter mainly expounds the research background, research significance, research ideas, research content and research methods. The second chapter is the theoretical basis and literature review, mainly expounds the reasons, the integration after merger and acquisition performance, and the impact on the success of the merger the factors are analyzed, summed up the characteristics of overseas mergers and acquisitions of food enterprises. The third chapter introduces the case, the process of mergers and acquisitions as well as the status quo of integration are discussed. The fourth chapter is the case analysis, mainly for the case of mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions and the integration after merger and acquisition performance is analyzed, summarizes the influence factors the success of the merger. The fifth chapter is the fourth chapter case analysis results and summary analysis combined with food enterprises Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions of other typical cases. The sixth chapter is the full text summary, And puts forward relevant suggestions. The feature of this paper is to choose the industry is relatively unique, the contribution of this paper is: (1) systematically analyzes the characteristics and risks of overseas mergers and acquisitions of the food industry enterprises, puts forward relevant suggestions to deal with the risk; (2) the influence factors of China's food industry enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions success or failure analysis, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions.
From the analysis we can see that China's overseas M & a food enterprises is mainly to build a complete industrial chain mode, reduce production costs, and access to overseas resources. But to see that China's food enterprises transnational mergers and acquisitions exist many problems, such as mergers and acquisitions performance is poor, lack of strategic planning, such as lack of merger risk estimates. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward specific solutions. I hope this research can provide reference for the food industry cross-border mergers and acquisitions.
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