本文选题:广西 + 东盟 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In 2010, China and ASEAN member countries established the strategic plan of China-ASEAN Free Trade area after many rounds of negotiation and consultation. In accordance with the agreement reached by the member countries, no tariffs, or so-called zero tariffs, will be imposed on the sale of products in the Free Trade Zone, thereby eliminating trade barriers among member countries and making trade move towards liberalization. Guangxi and ASEAN exporting countries have the same place in regional position, natural environment and production tradition. Among them, both sides have similar comparative advantages in mineral production. Generally speaking, the structure of export trade can show great similarity, which will lead to competition in the process of trade. However, from the perspective of resource utilization, Guangxi mining products and ASEAN countries are highly complementary. The main research and results of this paper are as follows: firstly, the present situation of mineral trade cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN countries is analyzed in detail. This paper introduces the establishment and development of the free trade zone from the background of the development of the cooperation, at the same time, it also explains the characteristics of the development, and introduces the trade situation of the two sides from the aspects of the scale and the industry distribution of the cooperation between the two sides. Secondly, the importance and feasibility of developing mineral trade and cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN are demonstrated. Then, the author analyzes the obstacles of Guangxi and ASEAN in developing mineral trade and cooperation development, and finds that the trade management system needs to be further improved, and the trade cooperation field has its limitations. Industry standards and policy differences affect the development of cooperation and FTAs are not high utilization rate is currently facing the problem. Finally, the countermeasures to improve the mineral trade and cooperation development efficiency between Guangxi and ASEAN are put forward, such as perfecting the service trade management system, enhancing the hardware environment, increasing the utilization of the free trade area, and strengthening the dialogue between the governments of ASEAN and the ASEAN countries. The research work plays an important role in understanding and mastering the mineral trade situation between Guangxi and ASEAN countries, complementarities and competitiveness of bilateral trade, and promoting mineral product trade in Guangxi and ASEAN countries. At the same time, it can also provide reference for the future development trend of mineral products trade, production structure, industrial policy and trade policy adjustment of Guangxi and ASEAN countries.
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