本文选题:新型工业化 + 能源效率 ; 参考:《南京财经大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid economic growth and the continuous improvement of national living standards, energy consumption is also increasing significantly, and the energy problem is becoming more and more serious. How to effectively reduce energy consumption and improve energy use efficiency is the key to maintain sustainable economic development and is also the internal requirement of accelerating the road of new industrialization. The new way of industrial development, which uses information technology to promote industrialization, reduce the consumption of resources, reduce environmental pollution and give full play to the advantages of human resources, can not only accelerate the technological progress in the field of energy, but also control environmental pollution. And coal-based energy structure will gradually change in the process of deepening new industrialization. Therefore, the promotion of new industrialization has an important impact on reducing energy consumption, and has profound significance to improve energy use efficiency. At the same time, the improvement of energy use efficiency has a strong role in promoting the new industrialization road of "resource saving, environment friendly". Based on this, the paper first puts forward the concept of "new-type industrialized energy efficiency". On the basis of defining the new-type industrialized energy efficiency, it constructs the concept of capital, labor, energy, technology, etc. Based on the energy efficiency evaluation index system including environmental pollution and total industrial output, the energy efficiency of 24 cities in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta metropolitan area from 2003 to 2011 was calculated by using the super-efficiency DEA model. The present situation and evolution law of industrial energy efficiency in urban agglomeration are analyzed. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the dynamic difference of energy efficiency in the "double triangle" urban agglomeration. The results show that the new industrialization energy efficiency of "double triangle" metropolitan area is not high, only a few cities are in the DEA effective state for a long time, and there are obvious differences in the energy efficiency of the same scale cities. The difference of energy efficiency between "double triangle" urban agglomeration is gradually narrowing, and the new industrialization energy efficiency shows a trend of absolute convergence. On the basis of the above research, the paper qualitatively analyzes the factors that affect the energy efficiency of the new industrialization in the "double Triangle" region, and deeply analyzes the specific reasons leading to the low energy efficiency, in order to seek to improve the energy efficiency of the new industrialization. The relevant measures to promote the process of new industrialization provide theoretical basis. Furthermore, using Tobit model, the paper empirically analyzes the influence of economic development level, structural adjustment, energy endowment, energy price, marketization degree and urban environmental management ability on energy efficiency in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The research shows that the level of economic development has a positive effect on the energy efficiency of "double triangle" urban agglomeration, and the influence of structural adjustment on energy efficiency varies greatly, which is related to the characteristics of industrial development in different cities. The degree of marketization has a positive effect on the energy efficiency of the new industrialization of "double triangulation"; the energy endowment has a negative correlation with the industrial energy efficiency; the ability of urban environmental management also has a negative effect on the energy efficiency, but this effect on the small and medium-sized urban agglomeration is not significant. The effect of energy price on the energy efficiency of new industrialization is not significant, which is related to the non-marketization of market price mechanism of energy demand in China. Finally, the article optimizes the industrial structure, adjusts the energy structure, promotes the marketization process, reforms the energy price system, consummates the environmental monitoring mechanism and so on. This paper puts forward some specific policies and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the new industrialization in the "double triangle" metropolitan area.
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