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发布时间:2018-05-22 18:16

  本文选题:以可靠性为中心的维修 + 维修管理 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:由于产能的不断扩张,当前钢铁行业之间的竞争正变得日益激烈,钢铁企业所面临的市场形势更为严峻。在这场激烈的竞争中,生产设备维修管理水平将直接影响到设备运行的可靠性、经济性和产品质量,已经成为能否取得竞争优势的关键因素。因此,高效的设备维修管理模式和科学维修策略成为企业生产运作战略的强有力的基础支撑。以可靠性为中心的维修(Reliability Centered Maintenance:RCM)是目前广泛应用的一种用于确定设备的预防性维修需求,优化维修方案的系统工程方法。其基本原则是在保持设备可靠性和安全性的同时,追求资源消耗的最小化,从而达到可靠、经济运行的目的。本文以迁钢热轧的设备维修管理作为研究对象,对其现状进行了调查,分析了迁钢热轧当前设备维修管理中所面临的问题,并尝试将以可靠性为中心的设备维修理论应用于迁钢设备维修管理中。具体工作体现在:通过对RCM理论的分析方法和维修方式决策过程的研究,找出了适合钢铁行业确定预防性维修的决策方法,并利用这一方法对迁钢热轧设备维修标准体系进行优化和扩充,以解决其标准可执行性差的问题;通过对维修周期决策方法的研究,针对迁钢热轧目前维修周期制定不合理的问题,找出了在收集设备运行数据的基础上,确定最佳预防性维修周期的方法,以避免过维修或欠维修情况的发生;在结合现有的人员组织机构的基础上,提出了迁钢热轧推行RCM的组织机构设计。本文以期通过以上措施的实施达到优化设备维修管理模式,降低设备维修成本,提升设备运行可靠性的目的。在进行RCM实施的流程设计的同时,本文还提出了具体、可操作性强的实施方案,包括:实施的目标、原则以及分阶段计划等。从基础条件、人员素质和信息化平台建设等方面提出了迁钢热轧开展RCM的保障措施,以确保方案顺利实施,达到预期效果。
[Abstract]:Due to the continuous expansion of production capacity, the current competition between the steel industry is becoming increasingly fierce, steel companies are facing a more severe market situation. In this fierce competition, the level of maintenance and management of production equipment will directly affect the reliability, economy and product quality of equipment operation, and has become the key factor to obtain the competitive advantage. Therefore, efficient equipment maintenance management mode and scientific maintenance strategy become the strong foundation support of enterprise production and operation strategy. Reliability Centered maintenance reliability: RCM is a widely used system engineering method to determine the preventive maintenance requirement and optimize the maintenance scheme. The basic principle is to keep the reliability and safety of equipment and to minimize the consumption of resources so as to achieve the purpose of reliable and economical operation. In this paper, the equipment maintenance management of the hot rolling mill is taken as the research object, the present situation of the equipment maintenance management is investigated, and the problems in the maintenance management of the equipment are analyzed. And try to apply the reliability-centered equipment maintenance theory to the steel equipment maintenance management. The concrete work is as follows: through the research of RCM theory analysis method and maintenance mode decision process, the decision method suitable for iron and steel industry to determine preventive maintenance is found out. This method is used to optimize and expand the maintenance standard system of hot rolling equipment in order to solve the problem of poor standard executable, and through the research of maintenance cycle decision method, In order to avoid overmaintenance or undermaintenance, the optimal preventive maintenance cycle is determined on the basis of collecting the equipment operation data in order to avoid overmaintenance or undermaintenance. Based on the existing personnel organization, this paper puts forward the organizational structure design for implementing RCM in hot rolling. The purpose of this paper is to optimize the equipment maintenance management mode, reduce the equipment maintenance cost and improve the reliability of the equipment operation through the implementation of the above measures. In the process design of RCM implementation, this paper also puts forward the concrete and operable implementation scheme, including: implementation objectives, principles and phased planning. From the aspects of basic condition, personnel quality and information platform construction, this paper puts forward the guarantee measures to carry out RCM in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the scheme and achieve the expected effect.


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