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发布时间:2018-05-26 15:03

  本文选题:制造业 + 技术进步 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:西部大开发以来,西部地区制造业得到了空前的发展,制造业技术水平也得到了一定的提高,但是与我国东、中部制造业发达地区相比,西部地区制造业技术水平依然存在一定的差距,集中体现为其制造业生产设备陈旧、产品技术含量相对较低、产品附加值相对较低等。为了加快西部地区制造业的技术进步,就需要选择一条适合西部地区制造业技术进步的路径,为此,本文通过理论分析、现状分析和实证分析去为西部地区制造业选择一条适合西部地区制造业技术进步的路径。 在理论分析部分先是介绍了三种基本的技术进步理论:技术创新理论、新古典经济增长理论、内生经济增长理论,然后分析自主研发等几种常见的技术进步路径对制造业技术进步的影响,得出自主研发等对制造业技术进步的影响是多重的,一方面这几种技术进步路径之间能够相互影响,另一方面这几种技术进步路径对制造业技术进步的影响大小会随着制造业所在地区、所在行业以及所有规模的不同而不同。 在现状分析部分依次介绍西部地区制造业和西部地区制造业技术进步路径选择的现状,然后通过对西部地区制造业自主研发等的现状分析发现西部地区制造业在技术进步路径选择中存在一些问题:西部地区制造业科技人才非常稀缺;制造业自主研发投入不足;对国内技术购买、国外技术引进消化吸收不足;西部地区实际利用FDI存在不足。 在实证分析部分构建了两个模型,先是构建技术进步路径选择模型:选择制造业技术进步变化指数作为因变量指标,选择制造业自主研发经费支出等作为自变量指标,在C-D函数的基础上构建技术进步路径选择模型,然后对该实证模型依次进行多重共线性检验、单位根检验以及格兰杰因果检验,在依次通过这些检验后对该模型进行面板回归,依据该模型的回归结果得出自主研发、技术的消化吸收会对西部地区制造业的技术进步产生显著的正向影响,而国内技术购买、国外技术引进对西部地区制造业的技术进步产生了显著的负向影响。之后构建FDI内生经济增长模型:选择制造业技术进步变化指数作为因变量指标,选择西部地区实际利用的FDI等作为自变量指标,在前人模型的基础上构建本文的FDI内生经济增长模型,在对该模型进行单位根检验后采用OLS回归,回归结果表明:FDI对西部地区制造业的技术进步有正的直接效应和负的间接效应,并且正的直接效应要强于负的间接效应,,总体上来说FDI是有利于西部地区制造业的技术进步,促进西部地区制造业技术水平的提高。 根据本文的现状分析和实证分析的结果,在结合西部地区制造业技术进步路径选择现状的基础上提出西部地区制造业技术进步路径选择的建议:加强对科技人才的引进、增加自主研发的经费开支、增加技术消化吸收的经费开支以及积极引进FDI,提高FDI的利用效果。
[Abstract]:In order to speed up the technological progress of the manufacturing industry in the western region , it is necessary to select a path suitable for the development of the manufacturing technology in the western region . In order to speed up the technological progress in the manufacturing industry in the western region , a new path is needed to make the manufacturing technology progress in the western region . In order to speed up the technological progress in the western region manufacturing industry , this paper analyzes the present situation and the positive analysis to select a path suitable for the manufacturing technology progress in the western region .

Firstly , three basic theories of technological progress are introduced : technological innovation theory , neo - classical economic growth theory , endogenous economic growth theory , and then analyzing the influence of several common technological progress paths such as self - development on the technological progress of manufacturing industry .

Based on the analysis of the present situation , this paper introduces the status quo of the choice of manufacturing technology progress path in the western region , and then analyzes the present situation of the development of manufacturing industry in the western region .
Insufficient investment in R & D investment in manufacturing industry ;
For domestic technology purchase , foreign technology import and absorption is insufficient ;
The actual utilization of FDI in the western region is insufficient .

In this paper , two models are constructed in the empirical analysis part . First , the technological progress path selection model is constructed : the index of manufacturing technology progress change is selected as the index of independent variables , and then the model of technological progress path selection is built on the basis of C - D function .

Based on the analysis of the present situation and the results of the empirical analysis , the paper puts forward some suggestions on the path choice of manufacturing technology progress in the western region based on the selection of the development path of manufacturing technology in the western region .


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