本文选题:PPG + 企业文化 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Corporate culture is the soul of an enterprise and an important factor to enhance its competitiveness. Since the reform and opening up, China has attracted a large number of foreign enterprises. Many large and advanced multinational enterprises have brought advanced technology and products to China as well as advanced corporate culture, including the American PPG Industrial Corporation, which entered China in the late 1980s. However, with the continuous growth of China, multinational enterprises in China more and more senior employees localization, the company is bound to face the test of localization of corporate culture. In the process of localization, due to the historical background and the differences between Chinese and western cultures, the corporate culture of the native country and the corporate culture of the host country will inevitably produce friction and even bring adverse influence to the company. Based on the research theme of the localization of corporate culture in PPG Company, this paper studies and elaborates the concept and relevant theories of the localization of corporate culture and corporate culture from the perspective of the significance of the study on localization. And the previous research results of localization. The emphasis of this paper is to find out the current situation and existing problems of corporate culture in PPG Company, and to analyze the problems at different levels by using case analysis, telephone interview and questionnaire survey. Aiming at the problems found, the paper puts forward the theory structure and improvement strategy of the localization of enterprise culture. As an employee who has been working in PPG Company for nearly 17 years, the author followed the theory reference, found the problem, analyzed the problem, solved the problem and the theory innovation thought in the paper, combined with the actual situation of the company. This paper puts forward a way for PPG to improve the localization of American corporate culture in China. The research results have played a positive and referential role in the construction of corporate culture in China, especially in the diversification of corporate culture. Strengthening the Party building in foreign enterprises and encouraging individualized development are innovative ideas.
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