本文选题:国际工程 + 外派管理人员 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of the economy and the vigorous development of the construction industry, the work pressure of the managers in the engineering industry is increasing, and the excessive work pressure has caused a certain negative impact on the managers, such as the decline of job performance. The quality of life declined, mental state became worse and so on. Especially in the international engineering industry, with the increasingly fierce competition in the overseas engineering market, the working pressure of the Chinese international engineering expatriate managers is increasing, which leads to the decline of the expatriate performance and the deterioration of the physical and mental state. At the same time, international engineering expatriate managers are in overseas environment for a long time, and their culture is different from that of Chinese culture, which will have a certain impact on the performance of overseas assignment. At present, there are many researches on the relationship between job stress and job performance, but no research has been found on the relationship between job stress and expatriate performance, and cultural distance factors have been added to the study of international engineering expatriate managers. On this basis, this paper puts forward and tests the negative correlation between the work pressure of the international engineering expatriate managers and the expatriate performance, and the cultural distance plays a regulating role in the influence relationship. This paper uses questionnaire to collect relevant data. First of all, the independent variable, dependent variable and regulating variable are determined through literature review, and the dimensions and specific indicators of each variable are further determined, and the measurement scale suitable for the international engineering expatriate managers is developed. 171 valid data were obtained by questionnaire. By using multiple regression analysis, the regression equation with objective pressure, psychological pressure and physiological pressure as independent variable and expatriate performance as dependent variable is established, and the effect of cultural distance on its influence is analyzed. The result of data analysis shows that there is a negative correlation between job stress and expatriate performance, and the target stress, psychological pressure and physiological pressure are all negatively correlated with expatriate performance. As a regulating variable, cultural distance can significantly regulate the correlation between target stress and psychological pressure and the performance of assignment, but the negative correlation between physiological stress and expatriate performance is not significant. According to the above research results, China International Engineering Corporation can adjust the assignment arrangement, cultural adaptation measures, and effective guidance and management.
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