本文选题:知识型员工 + 知识型员工激励 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:知识经济时代,企业的生存发展逐渐依赖知识型员工,对知识型员工的激励问题也逐渐受到人们重视。但是由于知识型员工和其他一般员工在工作特性和需求特点方面存在较大差异,因此企业提高知识型员工满意度、激发其工作潜能、促进员工和企业共同成长,关键点在于满足知识型员工的特殊需求,构建符合其特性的激励体系。近年来,合肥市烟草公司的员工结构也在向知识型员工转化。合肥市烟草公司的新任领导也开始认识到知识型员工的重要作用,并尝试开展对知识型员工的激励工作,但由于受到行业体制因素、历史因素、管理水平、管理理念等方面原因的影响,尚未构建一个完善的激励体系,导致管理实践中有不足之处。合肥市烟草公司如何对知识型员工开展有效激励,建立符合行业和公司特色的知识型员工激励体系,是公司稳定、持续、快速发展的关键所在,也是公司迫切需要解决的问题。 本文以相关激励理论研究为基础,结合合肥市烟草公司知识型员工激励工作实际,有六个部分的内容:第一部分是文章的绪论。主要是介绍了本文研究问题的产生背景、本文研究的目的、研究思路和方法等内容。第二部分是对相关概念的界定和相关理论的介绍。第三部分是对本文的研究对象合肥市烟草公司及其知识型员工激励现状进行了介绍,设计了调查问卷进行调研分析,归纳出现状的问题及产生原因。第四部分是合肥市烟草公司知识型员工激励体系的构建,包括构建的原则和构建的激励体系具体内容。第五部分是介绍合肥市烟草公司激励体系实施步骤和实施保障措施。第六章是对本文的总结,并对下一步研究提出了方向。 本文通过借鉴经典激励理论和国内外相关研究,结合合肥市烟草公司知识型员工激励现状,分析总结出问题和原因所在,构建出了合肥市烟草公司知识型员工激励体系,并介绍了构建的原则和具体的内容。本文希望通过对合肥市烟草公司知识型员工激励体系的研究,丰富国有企业员工激励研究领域,对其他烟草商业企业的员工激励研究提供一定的借鉴作用。同时,合肥市烟草公司正处于快速发展的进程中,对于实现”全国一流卷烟服务商”的战略目标有一定促进作用。
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the survival and development of enterprises gradually depend on the knowledge workers, and the incentive problem of the knowledge workers is paid more and more attention. However, because there are great differences between knowledge workers and other general employees in work characteristics and demand characteristics, enterprises improve the satisfaction of knowledge workers, stimulate their work potential, and promote the common growth of employees and enterprises. The key point is to meet the special needs of knowledge workers and build an incentive system that conforms to their characteristics. In recent years, the employee structure of Hefei Tobacco Company is also transforming to knowledge-based employees. The new leaders of Hefei Tobacco Company also began to realize the important role of knowledge workers, and tried to carry out the incentive work to knowledge workers, but due to the industry system factors, historical factors, management level, The influence of management concept has not yet set up a perfect incentive system, which leads to deficiencies in management practice. How to carry out effective incentive to knowledge workers in Hefei Tobacco Company and how to set up an incentive system for knowledge workers in line with the characteristics of the industry and company is the key to the company's stable, sustainable and rapid development, and is also an urgent problem to be solved by the company. This paper is based on the relevant incentive theory research, combined with Hefei tobacco companies knowledge workers incentive work practice, there are six parts of the content: the first part is the introduction of the article. It mainly introduces the background, purpose, thought and method of this paper. The second part is the definition of relevant concepts and the introduction of relevant theories. The third part is the research object of Hefei tobacco company and its knowledge workers incentive status, designed a questionnaire for investigation and analysis, summed up the current situation of the problems and causes. The fourth part is the construction of knowledge employee incentive system in Hefei tobacco company, including the principle of construction and the specific content of incentive system. The fifth part is the introduction of Hefei tobacco company incentive system implementation steps and implementation of safeguards. The sixth chapter is the summary of this paper, and the next research direction. Based on the classical incentive theory and related research at home and abroad, this paper analyzes and summarizes the problems and reasons, and constructs the incentive system of knowledge workers in Hefei tobacco company. And introduced the construction principle and the concrete content. This paper hopes to enrich the research field of employee motivation in state-owned enterprises by studying the incentive system of knowledge workers in Hefei tobacco company and to provide some reference for the research of employee incentive in other tobacco commercial enterprises. At the same time, Hefei tobacco company is in the process of rapid development, which can promote the realization of the strategic goal of "national first-class cigarette service provider".
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