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发布时间:2018-07-17 16:52
[Abstract]:From 2010 to 2014, the Ministry of Land and Resources and the departments in charge of land and resources of all provinces (regions and cities) organized the supervision and management of geological exploration qualifications, and achieved good results. Through supervision and inspection, it has played a very important role in strengthening the management of exploration activities, maintaining the order of exploration market, improving the quality of geological exploration and promoting the development of geological exploration industry. This paper briefly introduces the current situation of the registration of geological exploration qualification and supervision and management work. It is not timely to change and cancel the qualification certificate, does not carry out work in accordance with the requirements of the scope of work, and does not attach importance to the quality management of geological exploration. The quality of the annual practice report is not high and the problems of reporting lag are analyzed. Finally, from the aspects of strengthening education and training, improving the professional level and ability of supervisors, strengthening supervision and management, and innovating the means and methods of supervision and inspection, The countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening the supervision and management of geological exploration qualification under the new normal condition are put forward in such aspects as attaching importance to quality management, ensuring and maintaining the quality of geological exploration work, enriching the basic forces and giving full play to the role of the grass-roots departments in charge of land and resources.
【作者单位】: 中国国土资源经济研究院;国土资源部信息中心;新疆维吾尔自治区国土资源厅;


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