[Abstract]:Company B is a wholly owned subsidiary of STF Electric Group. The product mainly involves the railway and the subway industry power supply operation domain. The production of railway industry belongs to high-risk industry, and excellent product quality is the guarantee of enterprise production. The guarantee of product quality depends on the perfect quality management system. The 2008 edition of ISO9000 quality management standards, formulated by (ISO), can become the company's management awareness and skills. One of the advantages of protecting the quality of the company's products. ISO9000 is that there are no special requirements for the size of the company and the types of products, and the applicability is easy to operate. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to implement and improve the quality management of B Company since the implementation of ISO9000 quality system, and how to improve its competitiveness. This paper first introduces the development and main contents of ISO9000 quality system, and then leads to how B Company establishes and runs the internal quality system according to ISO9000 quality Management system. Secondly, taking B Company as an example to receive and complete orders from foreign customers for the first time, specifically combining with its purchasing of raw materials, quality process of production site, packing and transportation of logistics, The solution and continuous improvement of customer complaints describe the advantages and significance of ISO9000 in the process of implementation. Finally, the paper discusses the establishment and operation of the quality management system of B Company, which needs to be mastered in the future development of the company, which has a high applicability for small and medium-sized mechanical enterprises. I hope this paper can bring the reference value to the relevant enterprise personnel, and lead to further thinking and discussion.
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