[Abstract]:The global chemical sector will continue to grow strongly in 2015. The major expansion will take place in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East regions. Some of the strongest growth is in the United States, where new capacity to use cheap natural gas as feedstock by 2020 has been announced to invest more than $100 billion. In 2015 and beyond, the most pressing problem in petrochemicals is, in addition to producing ethylene from ethane, What new opportunities are there in the petrochemical field? In the United States, the use of ethane from shale gas to produce ethylene has led to a decline in production of propylene and butadiene relative to the cracking of naphtha, which means petrochemical producers have to find a way to avoid this shortage. Outside the United States, innovation appears to be key to survival, and European companies are designing new strategies to buy cost-effective
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