[Abstract]:In this paper, the law and relation of input and output in the process of petroleum exploration and development are discussed by using system dynamics as an analytical method. This paper first introduces the system dynamics model, which is based on quantitative analysis, and explains its working principle, that is, the process of finding the best solution, and then through the dynamic analysis of the whole process of petroleum exploration and development. The representative indexes in the input-output process are selected, and the circuit diagram of causality and interrelation and the system flow diagram are drawn by using Vensim software, and the interaction between the uncertain factors and the input-output index and the positive and negative causal feedback loop are found out. After that, through field investigation and expert consultation, the data of nearly ten years are obtained, and the simulation results of input-output variables are obtained after pretreatment and adjustment of the data. The relative error is calculated in Excel software, and the relative scattered plot and broken line diagram are drawn. It can be seen intuitively that the simulation of the model is in good condition, and the error is fluctuating within the allowable range. Therefore, the system dynamics model can better describe the input-output system. In this paper, the sensitivity analysis of three uncertain factors, oil price, recovery factor and proved petroleum reserves per 10,000 ton, is needed to analyze the sensitivity of different variables to the input-output index. According to the results, the law and conclusion of input-output can be summarized: increasing the total investment, increasing the recovery factor, reducing the direct investment per 10,000 tons of proven petroleum geological reserves and reducing the cost can maximize the profit. To ensure a reasonable proportion of input and output to achieve the strategic objectives of the enterprise. According to the law and relationship, this paper further puts forward the relevant countermeasures to improve the efficiency of oil field exploration and development, and puts forward effective suggestions from four aspects of exploration and development dynamics, fund and technical support, management method and overseas market development. It provides theoretical guidance for the exploration and development of oil fields, facilitates the scientific and reasonable application of enterprises in actual operation, and ensures the steady development of oilfield input and output.
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