[Abstract]:In recent years, the enterprise information work is receiving universal attention and attention. As an important part of the national economy, how should electric power enterprises improve their internal management level and enhance their core competitiveness through enterprise information construction? ERP system, as an integration tool of advanced management ideas, can provide a new platform for electric power enterprises in management innovation. It integrates information technology and advanced management ideas, through integrating and optimizing all resources of electric power enterprises, it realizes accurate production, accelerates capital turnover, reduces cost, and improves the efficiency of enterprise management. ERP system is implemented effectively. It will promote the reform of the ideas and methods of financial management of electric power enterprises, promote the revolution of financial operation mode of electric power enterprises, maximize the creation of social wealth, and become the cornerstone of the survival and development of electric power enterprises in the information age. Firstly, the paper introduces the background and significance of ERP financial process research, domestic and international research status and application related content. Secondly, this paper introduces the theory of ERP and related theories of financial management, analyzes the characteristics of ERP financial management in electric power enterprises and its role in improving the level of financial management, and points out the necessity of implementing ERP system in electric power enterprises. At the same time, the current situation of M power company's financial management process is analyzed, and the problems existing in budget management, accounting management and fund management are studied, and the existing problems are pointed out. Finally, combining with the implementation case of ERP financial management process in M power company, this paper studies the relevant improvement scheme of enterprise financial management process, hoping to provide certain reference and reference for comprehensively improving the level of financial management of electric power enterprises.
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