[Abstract]:As people pay more attention to environmental problems, reverse logistics problems have gradually been studied and viewed by academic circles. Especially in recent years, the automobile industry and auto parts industry in our country have entered a high speed development cycle, but the recycling and remanufacturing of spare parts have not kept pace with the development, resulting in a huge waste of resources and environmental pollution. For the whole society, the implementation of reverse logistics is conducive to the development of circular economy, the acceleration of economic structure transformation, to enterprises, to improve the efficiency of resources, to strengthen the integration of internal and external resources and to promote business process reengineering. Based on the analysis of related literature in recent years, this paper studies the strategic and tactical aspects of reverse logistics of automobile parts, namely the layout of logistics facilities and operation plan. The theoretical significance of this paper is to provide r basic framework for further research in related fields, that is, the integer nonlinear programming model with multi-product, multi-stage, multi-period and uncertain characteristic network considering multiple optimization objectives. In this paper, the optimization design of automobile reverse parts logistics network is studied, with emphasis on the expansion of facilities in different cycles and the scheduling of operations under the condition of stable demand. The main research contents are as follows: 1 the network optimization of automobile parts reverse logistics under uncertain demand environment. Assuming that the initial facility location problem has been completed, but in the case of growing demand, how to arrange the increase of operational modules. The remanufacturing profit maximization and negative environmental pollution minimization during the total cycle are considered and the validity of the model is verified. 2 how to arrange the operation plan of each module effectively under the condition of stable demand. Take into account the maintenance of the module, the leave of the worker and the cost of dismissing the worker, with the objective of minimizing the total cost as the optimization objective, consider the scheduling of the work within one year.
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