[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the global economy and the increasing demand for energy, the energy problem has gradually developed into a strategic topic of various countries. As a new energy source, solar energy has attracted the attention of governments and enterprises because of its low pollution and high returns. The governments of Germany, Japan, the United States, China and other countries have introduced a series of incentives to support the development of solar energy industry. Since Germany promulgated the Renewable Energy Law in 2003, the global solar photovoltaic industry has developed rapidly and entered the commercial field. Firstly, Solarworld AG,Schott solar and other enterprises, represented by Germany, have been developing and rising rapidly. In China, a large number of solar energy enterprises, represented by NYSE:STP, emerged as the times require, and gradually developed NASDAQ:LDK of Jiangxi, NASDQ:CSI of Canada, NASDAQ:CEEG of Nanjing, NSY:YGE of Baoding, NASDAQ:JASO of NASDAQ:TSL), JA, etc. And one after another in the United States listed successfully, China has become the world's most important solar products manufacturing base. As a rising star in the solar photovoltaic industry, JA has gradually developed into one of the most important leaders in the solar energy industry after 9 years of sedimentation and accumulation since its establishment in 2005. Based on the development course of JA Company and guided by the theory of industrial cycle, this paper attempts to explore the different strategic positioning and strategic adjustment adopted by JA Company according to the market and policy changes in each stage of the development process. Analyze the deep reason why JA can develop steadily and gradually grow into industry leader. First of all: in the first stage of development, JA Company seized the opportunity of the rapid growth of external environment demand for solar energy, and actively invested in the solar energy industry. At the same time, JA Company gave full play to its raw material supply guarantee, advanced foreign equipment, The mature and leading technology is based on the strategy of differentiation in the production of solar monocrystalline silicon battery. In the later stage, it has met the shortage of raw materials and diversified demand, so it has carried on the strategic adjustment. Secondly: in the second stage of development, JA Company takes full advantage of the accumulated technology, management experience and scale advantage, adopts low cost strategy, expands capacity scale and market share rapidly, but changes in customer demand. A vertical integration attempt was made when the market changed. Third: in the third phase of its development, JA, guided by the idea of vertical integration strategy, began to expand the upstream solar crystal silicon chip and develop solar modules and solar power plant construction business downstream. But because the strategy implementation is not thorough and the external environment is bad, the JA company is faced with difficulties. After adjusting the strategic thinking, carrying out the vertical integration strategy thoroughly, the organization structure has been adjusted, and the successful and thorough transformation has been realized. Finally: at the present stage of JA's development, it is still facing the continuous policy adjustment and complex and changeable market environment of the governments of various countries. JA needs to analyze the opportunities and threats it faces from its own resources and capabilities, and reconsider its position. In order to adapt to market changes, to maintain a lasting competitiveness of enterprises.
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