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发布时间:2018-10-20 06:52
[Abstract]:By searching the literature, it is found that there are few researches on the government functions in the industrial transformation and upgrading, but in the concrete practice, The function of local government in industrial transformation and upgrading is obvious. This paper takes the economic function of the government as the theoretical basis, through the analysis of the function of the Guangrao county government in the industrial industry transformation and upgrading, obtains the general theory of the function of the local government in the industrial industry transformation and upgrading. This paper focuses on the problems and countermeasures of the functions of local governments in the transformation and upgrading of industrial industries, and on this basis, this paper also tries to build a reasonable theoretical and practical framework of local government functions. Guangrao County is located in the northwest of Shandong Province. It is the entrance of Yellow River Delta. The industrial transformation and upgrading of Guangrao County in the process of undertaking industrial transfer plays a referential and referential role in other regions. The policy choice and policy problems in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading in Guangrao County are also likely to occur in other counties and cities. Therefore, the solutions and suggestions of Guangrao County to deal with such problems are helpful for other counties and cities to provide experience in solving similar problems. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part mainly describes the research background, research purpose and significance, research ideas, and through the theoretical review to find the theoretical basis of this paper. The second part mainly expounds the basic concept. The third part mainly analyzes the necessity of local government participating in the transformation and upgrading of local industrial industry. The fourth part is to analyze the current situation of industrial development in Guangrao County. The fifth part analyzes the problems and causes of the government function in the industrial transformation and upgrading of Guangrao County. The sixth part is the countermeasures and suggestions for Guangrao county government to give full play to its function to promote the transformation and upgrading of local industrial industry. Guangrao County's current industrial economic development, industrial transformation and upgrading is imperative. The industrial transformation and upgrading of Guangrao County has made good achievements, but at the same time, we should see that there are also some problems in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading. The article mainly discusses the policy problems in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading. The solutions to these problems are beneficial to the healthy, efficient and rapid development of industrial industry in Guangrao County.


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