[Abstract]:At present, the global economy is gradually rising from the financial crisis, but uncertainty still exists. Liquor industry belongs to the full competition industry, and Anhui Province, where G company is located, is one of the main producing areas of liquor in China, and the competition in the industry is more intense. But the white wine enterprise has experienced the golden period of ten years, the industry has not paid enough attention to the cost control, so the purpose of this paper is to guide the company to carry on the cost control actively and correctly to obtain the competitive advantage. The value chain of liquor industry is very complicated in theory. This paper firstly analyzes the value chain of G company to control the cost. The cost control of value chain is beneficial to the continuous improvement of the cost and benefit of the enterprise. It can promote the enterprise to think about the cost from the perspective of the whole business process, can urge the enterprise to control the potential cost effectively, and guide the enterprise to consider the situation of the competitor. Starting from the cost control system of G Company, combining the relevant theory of cost control and the characteristics of the production process of liquor industry, this paper analyzes the factors and causes of the cost and expense of G Company, and then takes this as a clue. The possible problems in the system are explored and the possible direction of improvement is considered on the basis of fully understanding the modern cost control theory. Through the relevant research, this paper thinks that the value chain is the most suitable and the most effective framework for improvement, so this paper will consider the cost control improvement measures from the point of view of the value chain. The first part of the article mainly elaborates the research background and significance, the domestic and foreign research present situation, the research thought and the method and the research innovation and the insufficiency and so on, the second part introduces the value chain and the cost control concept and the connection between the two. The third part mainly describes the current situation of G company's cost control, and points out its existing problems from the angle of value chain. Fourth, the fifth part analyzes G company's value chain and value chain cost driver. Then from the point of view of value chain optimization, some suggestions are put forward to improve the cost control of G Company. The sixth part summarizes the research results of this paper, and puts forward some ideas for the future research. In this paper, the concept of cost control and the concept of value chain are deeply analyzed by the methods of literature research, case analysis and field observation, and then the instant of cost occurrence is carefully observed, and the process of cost is investigated and analyzed. To identify the cost structure and cost driver of G company comprehensively, finally, based on the obtained data, considering the current situation of cost control in G company, considering the important modules in the cost of G company, and taking the value chain theory as the basis, to explore the problems in the cost control. Put forward some reasonable improvement measures. Through the research, this paper thinks that the value chain is the most suitable and the most effective improvement frame, the difference of the value chain is always the important source of a certain enterprise's core competitiveness. This paper attempts to improve the cost control of the enterprise by using the new value chain optimization method. In this paper, the appropriate analysis of the value chain link of G company is made, and the corresponding cost driving factors are found out in order to obtain the competitive advantage. At the same time, in order to maintain the competitive advantage, enterprises need to optimize the value chain according to the changes of environment and their own conditions, and restructure it if necessary.
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