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发布时间:2018-11-14 19:17
【摘要】:随着中国包装油市场的发展越来越深化,形成了以益海嘉里、中储粮系、中粮系的食用油寡头为代表的食用油市场,,这使得其他地区性的食用油加工、生产企业越来越难以生存,可以用夹缝中求生来形容。这看似是一个饱和市场,但实际上全国性品牌的主要客户群体集中在一线和二线城市,而区域性品牌的包装油的客户群体集中在郊县、二线和三线城市、以及部分本区域市场。这种博弈局面会持久地发展下去,此消彼长,直至油脂产业的产能被充分利用。 作为区域性品牌的一员,金光集团在区域性包装油品牌的运作上有其成功的方面,也有发展过程中所面临的瓶颈。因此,本文首先从粮油行业的总体入手进行行业的宏观分析;然后介绍金光包装油的发展现状以及所面临的问题;再次,针对这些问题和瓶颈的背景进行分析,回归到金光包装油营销的战略选择;最后,论述了为达成最终的战略目标,应采取的具体销售措施。本文力图通过详尽地介绍金光集团包装油的运作模式,挖掘包装油区域性品牌的生存模式,为其他粮油企业的生存带来具有实践性的范式。 本文将根据部分营销理论,结合最新的粮油发展状态、包装油的发展趋势,从整体行业到个别企业,阐述金光集团的营销思路,主要包括:包装策略、多品牌策略、产品和广告策略。采用分析案例的方法,运用SWOT分析方法,进行分析和总结。
[Abstract]:As the development of China's packaging oil market deepens more and more, the edible oil market, represented by Yihai Kerry, China Grain Storage system, and COFCO edible oil oligarchs, has been formed. This has enabled other regional edible oil processing. Production enterprises are becoming more and more difficult to survive, can be described as survival in the gap. This may seem to be a saturated market, but in fact the main customer base of national brands is concentrated in front-line and second-tier cities, while that of regional brands of packaging oil is concentrated in suburban, second-tier and third-tier cities, as well as in some regional markets. This game situation will continue to develop, decline and decline, until the oil industry capacity is fully utilized. As a member of regional brands, Jinguang Group has its success in the operation of regional packaging oil brands, as well as bottlenecks in the development process. Therefore, this paper starts with the overall situation of grain and oil industry, and then introduces the current situation of the development of Jinguang packaging oil and the problems it faces. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the background of these problems and bottlenecks, and returns to the strategic choice of Jinguang packaging oil marketing. Finally, it discusses the specific sales measures to achieve the final strategic goal. This paper tries to introduce the operation mode of packaging oil in Jinguang Group in detail, excavate the survival mode of regional brand of packaging oil, and bring practical paradigm for the survival of other grain and oil enterprises. According to the partial marketing theory, combined with the latest development state of grain and oil, the development trend of packaging oil, from the whole industry to individual enterprises, this paper will elaborate the marketing ideas of Jinguang Group, mainly including: packaging strategy, multi-brand strategy, Product and advertising strategy. Using the method of case analysis, using SWOT analysis method, analysis and summary.


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