[Abstract]:In the past decade or so, China's special purpose automobile industry has undergone a stage of rapid development, forming a number of special purpose automobile industrial bases, such as Suizhou, Liangshan, Shiyan, Xiangyang, and so on, with products ranging from the production of goods in the mainland to each with its own characteristics, with hundreds of flowers blooming in full bloom. From a large number of illegal refits to today's standardized production, China's special purpose vehicle industry is gradually transforming and upgrading, and a number of outstanding special purpose vehicle enterprises stand out from the crowd. 2015 is the closing year of the 12th five-year Plan. During the 13th five-year Plan period, how to develop special purpose vehicles in China is a problem that enterprises, industries and governments need to pay attention to. The International Development Forum of China's Special purpose Automobile Industry in 2015 "13th five-year Plan" China's Special purpose Automobile Industry
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