[Abstract]:In 2013, the A-share market was a double day of ice and fire, and blue-chip stocks reflecting China's macro-economic situation did not improve. Trading volume on the Shanghai Stock Exchange was repeatedly lower than that of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the price-to-earnings ratio of large-cap stocks became the norm. Bank shares break net for the Shanghai Stock Exchange light transactions to provide a footnote. Although the Shanghai Composite Index fell by 6.75% in the whole year, the market capitalization of nearly 70% of listed companies has increased, and 72% of listed companies in the industry have achieved market capitalization growth, showing obvious structural bull market characteristics. These industries are respectively high-tech. Internet, culture, consumption, medicine, environmental protection, etc. In this context, as an individual investor, how should we choose the investment target, how to judge the investment value of the stock of listed companies? Following the top-down stock selection strategy and adhering to the concept of value investment, this paper selects two listed companies in the medical device sector-Jiuan Medical and Xinhua Medical, and collects the financial and business data of the company from 2008 to 2012. In order to provide objective, scientific and reasonable basis for investors' investment decision, the free cash flow discount model and the price-earnings ratio model are used to estimate the share price of the two companies in order to provide an objective, scientific and reasonable basis for the investors' investment decision-making. This paper is divided into six chapters, the first chapter puts forward the research background, the main problems and significance of the study. The second chapter introduces the current situation and trend of the development of medical device industry in China, and the main problems existing in the development, so as to provide investors with a basic understanding of the overall situation of the medical device industry. The third chapter is the business model of listed companies, core competitiveness and market prospects analysis. The fourth chapter carries on the historical financial data analysis, and carries on the forecast to the main management financial data, the comprehensive understanding nine an medical treatment and the Xinhua medical treatment. In the fifth chapter, the free cash flow discounted method and the price-earnings method are used to estimate the reasonable price range of the two companies, and the forecast results and the enlightenment are given. Chapter 6 summarizes the main conclusions of the study, including industry analysis conclusions, enterprise analysis conclusions and valuation conclusions, and based on the valuation results, gives the investment recommendations for the two companies. Through the analysis, the author thinks that the stock price of Jiuan Medical is divorced from the actual financial performance of the company, the stock price bubble is serious, and the growth and performance of Xinhua Medical are stable and predictable, the stock price of the company is undervalued at present, so it is suggested to buy and hold the stock price. At the same time, the author puts forward some investment suggestions: (1) under the current macroeconomic background, we recommend a top-down strategy of stock selection. Firstly, we select the industries with clear growth and broad space. (2) after selecting the industries, we recommend the strategy of stock selection from the top to the bottom. Then go to the industry to select performance cashed to determine, the future growth of high-quality stocks.
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